she was a linquist in the air force for six years.says her daughter is an athlete, loves animals and she's not known to be wildly political. she only follows 50 people, edward snowden, anonymous and other accounts that operate as alt government agencies. several of her tweets are anti-trump and she even tweeted directly at him calling him an orange fascist. if convicted, she could face up to ten years in prison. >> interesting. diane gallagher, thank you. mike baker is joining us and captain gail harris. she was chosen to be the department of defense lead for the developing intelligence policy for cyber warfare. captain, does winner have an argument here to say she's a whistle blower and why or why not? >> not really. when you're assigned security clearances as part of the training, pretty intense training, you are told that you are not authorized to share that information with people who don't have security clearances or outside organizations without permission. and the punishment for that can be pretty strict. for instance, in my fi