vanier has to do without a siesta today she has to tend to her lintas craze she needs to prepare the ground for the gum mess to carve best and make small cuts in the trees so the valuable resin drips out if you need needs the money. dr it will start we pick up the tears of resin from the ground later when they're hard and send them to market you know like they sold. for medicine it's good for the stomach and for other things the marquis a lot of women. feel harvesting mastic is painstaking manual labor. sorry mum i prefer fishing. i prefer to be at sea. after bush you have the desire to catch fish if you have the desire to sail into a storm people will knock on huge if you know i like it when the boat bobs up and down i'm like spending the night on board i mean asleep in their. youth listening to the cry of the birds. ok it's nice here too but it's nothing like the scene i like there are some of you i just got a plea deal. but they can no longer live from fishing alone feeling we've got to go what if i also help my daughter in her tavern. i don't sit around and relax i can't do it i