lionel robbins found another basis for eliminating which was more informational. robbins defined the matter of economics as the allocation of limited resources among alternative uses. he argued that studying the conditions of supply and demand themselves was outside the scope of economics and therefore supply and demand should be taken as independently given. the section of the two, then determines the equilibrium price. but this method, robbins managed to eliminate the effects that the mispricing of financial essence can have on both the demand and supply curves in other words, it could eliminate the complextivety. the methodology that we'll debate took place in the context of a larger political controversy on the role of the state in the economy. hayek and robbins were on one side, kings and socialist planners on the others. i content that hayek supported to his political boys. -- bias. that's the source of the inconsistency. he connects science. after the end of the second world war, when the commonnist became more, he over came the methodology and became the op