still ahead, lionsgate stock is roaring. a look at the film studio's success next in movies and money. "g.i. joe" won the battle at the box office over the weekend, but there is some behind-the- scenes manuevering we are going to talk about with our movies and money guy, erik childress, who joins us now. good to have you on the show. - thank you. and - so no surprise, "g.i. joe." you predicted this one. - not at all. we were talking last week about the international numbers and how important they are. after four or five days of release, "g.i. joe" has over $50 million here in the states, but it had the largest debut internationally for the year, over $80 million. so it should be enough to get paramount in the black for that movie. - it is going global. here is a look at what happened at the box office last weekend: "g.i. joe: retaliation" coming in at $40.5 million. "the croods," number 2, "tyler perry's temptation" at $21 million - we will talk about that in just a minute - and "olympus has fallen" and "oz, the great and po