archaeologist william lipe. i'm not sure what it means, but i can speculate that the burning of the kiva roofs was some type of closing down ritual for this village. we've seen that a few other places in the northern southwest at a time when there was a substantial movement of population out of an area. so i think that's a possibility -- that they burned, intentionally burned, the kivas when they left this area for good. keach: to find out when the site was abandoned, a charred roof beam is wrapped and sent to a laboratory. the anasazi often moved their villages, but usually only for a short distance. lipe: ordinarily when the anasazi left a settlement, they took most of their material equipment with them. if they weren't going very far, they might even take the roof beams. sand canyon pueblo is really different. this is a little rectangular ceramic box found in the niche in the kiva, probably left right where it was ordinarily left when they abandoned that part of the site. valuable little things like this ordi