what would that look lipoma -- now what would that look like?s opposed to the typical fan base that says, i want to hear that song again. you miss the interlude. i would think there is a liberation to having a fan base that is cultivated enough to let you be you. most of them do not have that in their fan base. >> the white kid sitting next to your auntie to the 20-year-old black girl who comes to my show. i make a joke all the time. one of the gains we had this summer, i looked over common- law and she might have been a 70-year-old caucasian lady next to a black lady, and they were both bobbing. was like, where do you see this? this is great. if you are a hip-hop fan, we are going to play something you like, but we are throwing some re you would not be sitting in front of. tavis: you have done some covers. >> i chose the for the gala, because she can sing anything. -- for layla because she can sing anything. i chose them because it was a perfect couple, and -- perfect cover, and i do not know many people who do that. tavis: this cp is out now.