colonel house, walter lippmann and edward bernays.ound out they were being manipulated and they got away from it. but they are counting on you not seeing it. all they need is time to get the framework in place. established trick they use. go back to cass sunstein. if you call it a conspiracy theory, no one beliefs them. if you look at the kenya conspiracy theory came from? do you know where that he was born in kenya? hillary clinton's camp. you label it a conspiracy theory. he was born in the united states, clear and simple. now cass sunstein wrote a paper on conspiracy theory. in it, we've gone through it and he says the government can ban the theory and they might have pulled tax on the conspiracy theory and might engage in counterspeech. he goes on and says the price of credibility is that government cannot be seen to control independent experts. although, the government can supply these independent experts with information. and perhaps prod them. you don't mean "prod." you mean nudge, right? prod them into action. too close of a c