plants laid out, and apparently other people do, too, like this woman who walks up to the lipton brewing company, and likes that potted plant, and walks away without much of a struggle. >> that is why grandma needs help getting places in and out of cars and the stairs, because she is lifting this stuff. >> the owner of the brewing company said that he is amazed she was able to do this, because it was particularly heavy. >> you have heard of old man strength, but this is grandma strength. >> well, grandmas do have nice gardens. >> so you are saying they steal them and not just growing them. >> where did you get these rode den drums? >> well, maybe it is the dude with the grandma wig. >> good disguise. >> this is not cheap. that plantar cost $125 and the incident was report ed ed to th stillwater police department, an apparently similar robberies have happened, and they are wondering if they have a grandma thievery case here. >> and grandma is picking up flowers before she is pushing up flowers. >> oh, ouch! >>> if i say the name yosemite bear vazquez, of course, visions of youtube classic hit "do