again, lisa avis with kpmg. so you have our presentation here in front of you. so, when we're here, that means another audit is done and in the books. we received full cooperation from p.u.c. management and staff and because of that full cooperation, we were able to issue within the set time line. and as stated, we usual ewe add clean opinion on the financial statements which means that they are fairly present as of june 17, 2017. i'll go throughout the highlights of presentation. on slide two here, as ms. homs stated, our responsibilities under generally accepted auditing standards and government auditing standards is to consider internal control. we do not do an audit over internal control. but in accordance with government auditing standards we're required to consider it. should something come to our attention, we are required to report it to you and nothing came to our attention that would merit that level of reporting. we design and implement our audit providers to gain reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement a