again, my name is lisa avis. i'm managing director with kpmg. i will be presenting the audit results today. i want to thank you for the opportunity. our audit standards require that we present our audit results at the end of each audit either in writing or in a form of presentation like this. so we appreciate this opportunity to have a formal presentation to you. as you can see on slide 1, we issued two reports for this audit. the first one an audit over the financial statements on the numbers presented to us for the year ended june 30, 2018. happy to report that the financial statements received an unqualifiedtor clean opinion. we also issued a report on interim control over financial reporting. they are happy to report there are no deficiencies or noncompliance. if you have the financial statements, our opinion is wordy. it says a lot but ultimately it did get a clean bill of health. if there's ever a paragraph that's different from the clean opinion, we call that out to you and the only difference we had in our opinion if we do make reference