- [softly] lisa berger. - oh, god. - here we go. - ugh. - could we maybe try one without lisa berger?ng squad has the fat, ugly cheerleader, and that's me. - see, that's the problem, lisa. you have a bad self image. just project all your sassiness to all the boys out there, okay? - there's only one boy that lisa cares about. - yeah, lisa has a crush on butters. - shut up. - but, lisa, that's great. have you told butters that you like him? - no way. i'd just get made fun of. - lisa, this is exactly what you need. take butters to see a movie or something. it'll do wonders for your confidence. - so then, uh, the fella with the moustache eats all the cupcakes, and the lady takes out a gun and puts it in his face, and she says-- - uh, excuse me, butters? - oh, yes? - um, well... i was just wondering if maybe you would like to go to a movie this weekend. - oh. oh, like a date? oh, no thanks, lisa. i really appreciate the offer, but you're too fat for me. - okay, thanks. - see ya, lisa! - ha ha, butters got asked out by a fat girl. - at least she didn't try to sit on him. [laughter] - you gu