for 20 years, we have watched san francisco homeowners and renters adopt an borgmann to lisa berlinski practices. it has been our experience that san franciscans want to adopt sustainable home landscape ruckuses because it is meaningful and a direct way to contribute to be local and global environment. we support the wednesday ordinance because it gives san franciscans the opportunity and guidance to maintain water eat fish and landscapes. with practical and hands on instruction, like we have offer for 20 years, we have seen that san franciscans are eager to adopt the best practices for sustainable landscape. thank you. supervisor maxwell: all right, next speaker, please. >> i am from the urban farmers store. we have been active in irrigation for well over 30 years. i was involved in the right of the precursor to the state law that spawned all of the local -- and local ordinances. -- spot all of the local ordinances. i applaud the ordinance. with the prior ordinance, there was a lack of compliance, which i would like to encourage some outreach on. there will be plenty of people to do n