. >> good afternoon, my name is lisa chun, i'm a public health dentist and [inaudible] this now bringstuse the strategic plan. as mentioned earlier we spent a year long process engaging the community, formed a committee and we first developed a set of guiding principle which you see before you and these reflect our values and serve as guidelines in terms of decision making. we refer to these throughout the development of the plan and they are listed. you want to focus on prevention. the unioner age children, of-10 and pregnant women [inaudible] we want to focus on sustainable efforts and efforts that make change on the policy and systems level and also coordinate city wide efforts. there is a lot of activity going on and we want to coordinate all that and importantly include the community. many rounds of revision including 2 community wide retreats and monthly meetings resulting in these 5 areas. increasing access to oral health prevention i treatment, integrating oral health within over all heth, promoting good oral health with parents and [inaudible] evaluation, development a on going or