have almost 1,000 people working there developing the >> reporter: governor sandoval and mayor lisa faraday's concepts in september. eight months early, faraday was all the buzz. how will they reinvent transportation's future as they've claimed? they are not building any electric vehicles, not yet. they are building the future home of what we're told will be faraday nature. in ambitious projects. last month, financial uncertainty grew as construction was halted and now faraday's backer coming from nevada's treasurer. >> i think he's out of money. my sources in beijing tell me the chinese government is not financing hill. it's just a big question mark as to where and how they are going the 4500 jobs promised by faraday future, a stunning turnabout from the ground breaking last april. >> i have complete confidence in faraday that they will do everything they say they are going to do. >> reporter: do you think they will have a car in 2017? >> i can't speak for them on that. >> reporter: the governor did spearhead tax incentives for faraday, passed a special session last but lawmakers only approv