strategies perhaps we could cull to our needs for this and i think the director there of outreach is lisa fizano. they have "share the air" days alerts and use the social media. they involve the directors to reach out to businesses for spare the air day and benefits and i think we can have a robust program and the wheel has been invented and we could modify it for our needs. >> okay. i want to make sure that i set the right expectations for the meeting on the 30th, the joint meeting. what we are proposing to discuss is sort of the scope and purpose of the preenrollment and opt out, what communities we're proposing to go to. once we have clarity from our policy makers on the approach we're -- sort of the audience, then we can dig into, okay, how do we best reach the audience? so we won't be doing that on the 30th with the plan. we want to make sure we have the audience right first and the detail behind that will follow and it might be constructive to spend some time on the 30th getting more ideas and examples and models from the policy makers, from the commission, the two commissions. that might