lisa gibson, environmental review officer. i'm not going to say too much more, but i did want to first off acknowledge that we did hear very clearly from the board of supervisors and from the planning commission that we needed to take a closer look at shadows and the effect of the project on the adjacent school yard, and we also heard the remarks from the community about the community concerns of how the project would affect in particular school children. [please stand by] >> i want to make sure that we're clear about what that means. that thing -- is that there's not a significant impact does not mean there's no effect. there's an effect that we want to acknowledge and it's an adverse effect. it's clear that there would be shading in the school yard during the times when the children would be present, and that that shading is not desirable, and that shadow on school children is -- you know, can affect their development, their well-being, their sense of enjoyment, and some of those things are outside of the factors that we con