lisa'?" he's singing... ♪ mona lisa, mona lisa, men have na-- ♪ 'cause he does this nat king cole record. i says, "uh, yes. we did it." and then, his label was decca, tom lewisand they said, "hey, maybe we should do something with jeff," and that's how the whole thing came about. >> this big statue... >> so, the statue. >> ...suddenly became, apparently, the most popular, most important, most whatever they call it, used meme on the internet, and you've become a major millennial star -- you're a happening for the millennials. >> well, i can't even really... >> yes, of a certain age. >> yes. well, how about that? >> but how does it feel? >> well, it's lovely, you know. >> because -- i ask you because, you know, you sort of are young in that you're 66, but you started to have kids for the first time... >> i have a... >> 62. >> that's right -- i have a 3-and-some-months-year-old boy, charlie ocean. >> and how does that work? >> and then a -- a 19-month-old, river joe. well, you know how it works, the traditional way. >> i know it works. >> yes. >> but how does it work for you as a dad? >> for me? >> i mean, you never wanted to have kids. >> not really. >>