lisa rice is president of the national fair housing alliance.r is president and ceo of the national community reinvestment coalition. they are a leading organization of some 500 groups that work on community reinvestment, protection, and other housing issues. two things we have in common, we each have blood on our foreheads from our terms on the consumer advisory council, banging our heads against the wall at the federal reserve board trying to get them to take on more consumer and community work over the years. that is the way i remember it. secondly, all three of our organizations are founding and active members of the coalition of americans for financial reform. we have many members in this group. our financial security,org is the website. this is for taxpayers, homeowners, and consumers. there are many working against financial reform, the people who caused the system to fail are trying to preserve the system that failed. believe it or not, they are making headway on capitol hill. one reason for that is that they have 1500 lobbyists, accordi