. >> good evening, my name is lisa speigel and i live one house up from maxime at 477 27th street. i'm here in support of the alternative, because of the open spacious the neighborhood. i have live there had for 25 years. my father-in-law was born in san francisco, my husband was born in san francisco, my children are now 22 and 24, and they were born and raised in san francisco and they have lived in that home in that neighborhood now their entire lives. part of the reason we have stayed there is because of the open space, because of the feel of the neighborhood and that backspace. now to start allowing one more massive big black box to be in our neighborhood would only contribute to the destruction of the feel of that entire neighborhood. that is not why we live there. that is not why we have stay there had and i don't believe that the people who are building this will be living there. so this is not their neighborhood, this is not their care or their heart where they are going to stay and i ask that you please exercise discretion and allow us to keep our neighborhood and keep th