i will tell you as far as keeping children always first, lisa spi nalia has always been first and -- spinali has always been first and foremost of keeping the children of this district first and foremost. she's been a true partner to the principals and teachers and staff members at our schools and as it relates to our work in social justice, she's been a true thought partner and although we're sad to see her leave her position, we're very, very fortified and very happy by the fact that she will remain a san franciscan. so we're all going to benefit from her expertise. so i just want to say thank you on behalf of all 55,000 kids in our school district, thank you, lisa, for all you've done. president mendoza: thank you. roll call, please. commissioner wynns: yes. commissioner fewer: yes. commissioner maufas: yes. commissioner murase: aye. commissioner norton: yes. vice president yee: aye. president mendoza: yes. >> that's unanimous. president mendoza: congratulations, lisa. >> so i just -- goodbyes are not my thing. so, i'll be seeing you very soon i'm sure in many way shapes or form as i wrot