we developed this under the leadership of lisa walton, sara jones, jonathan runs. betsy laupa communications at p puc. a number of other staff have contributed to this as well and we look to coordination with our agency partners around this map as we move forward. with that, that concludes our presentation. we're happy to take questions now or later, whichever is your preference. thank you so much for your time. >> thank you very much. directors, any questions for our presenters on the map or for director mcguire on the overall director's report. >> when is the map going to be live? >> so they are live today. you can find the link directly on a blog post that will be going out on moving sf this afternoon. additionally, we're putting out an faq that will refresh the resource as we get more common questions from people. >> i hope we do a more robust social media campaign because a lot of people would love to get this out there. if we can get it out there broadly, it will make people feel less frustrated and how they get around the city. >> we will be posting on faceb