at the very holy tikhvin church in lisichansky andrey pavlenko went for menstruation right, that he saw a corpse write words, he was exchanged by pmc fighters, and, then a new blow of the capture and the pechora lavra to mock the priests and those who are trying to defend one of the main saints of russian orthodoxy. what did he remember most at the time of his release from captivity? and what does he think about the prophecies that predicted all these terrible events? this is the life and fate of the father andrey pavlenko christ is risen. thank you for this easter gift and everything, but the easter of the last 22 years was very difficult for you. yes, in principle, if so, to be honest , these 10 days spent in the basement for me. here they are morality is morally. they are very difficult for me until today, they remain that i was in my hometown. as a prisoner of a political prisoner. i was told yesterday that you were released on andrew the first-called on your saint arrested in never. we are all with you as arrested and they beat christ before the crucifixion of holy week and you wer