took me to the bank, so that i could get a loan without problems, they gave me a senior detective lisinare calmly zheka calmly. well, let's get down to business one more time, not just well, so you decided to get me drunk, although i won't hide it 's damn nice that shiilov himself remembered me well. i am a simple area. do not make me laugh. this is out, the head of the police department can be simple. and you roma always and everywhere you okay say what you want, while still able to perceive information. i can’t say, moreover, that your chief gestapo will. a day later, he visits the fox. well, for now, what's his joyful visits, i do not deliver discussing the conditions of release is not required, but sometimes i allow you to talk over a secure connection. i have already used a parallel tube. precisely, i’m only a little, otherwise i’ll cash polyakov larisa hasn’t come to class for a couple of days, apparently, she got sick. what for? and what? the institute is not responsible for out-of-town students. thank you does not answer, i see, but i talked to her four days ago. i also gave a ma