not only for the people lisk in sweden, not only for the citizens of europe, but for all people in all nations. this is one of those moments. this is our opportunity to help shape the world and change not only our own children's lives, but their chirns and for generations to come. climate change is affecting the conditions of life for all of us in one way or another. some peoples notice that the snowyy winters have now disappeared for others, on small islands, climate change is a question of survival as sea levels continue to rise. but for many yet, it is not only top of the agenda, poverty is quite enough a challenge to handle. i'm not saying this to diminish the need for action. i'm saying it because even if this crisis indeed affects us all, some are not yet experiencing the gravity of the situation. others have more immediate threats such as hunger to fight. but one thing is sure. for every day that goes by without us taking action, the consequences will be more severe for all of us. two years ago on the eastbound of the high level event on climate change, i informed the secretary