plan for the south bay shore area, to white papers and members of the community, that was quite a lisle ago. >> i'm a believer in transferable skills you also have experience here as well i also appreciate your effort and work here. thanks. supervisor tang? >> thank you appearing forth today, we wanted to ask you questions, you were not able to attend, thank you for being here i think supervisor avalos asked a couple of questions, i had for you, the seat that is vacant right now, or seat two that is up for appointment today should reflect the concerns and needs of low income neighborhoods, in the community and, i wanted to see if you could speak to that, how you see yourself addressing the needs of the low income community, i know you touched on it but because the seat called that out >> i think my entire career is based on helping help. i started out at the age of 12. my sister is the director of boston and i started volunteering there in junior high school in a knave way, i thought we could work on architecture, so i went to architecture school and went to urban and public policy, whi