see, this is the trump trap that lissa referred to. every narcissist wants the conversation tonight to be about themself, and -- to be about themself, and what i falled to do is turn the camera away from trump and back to that farm family. the reason willie wrote in it is i wrote a whole chapter about rural america, and he loved it. and that meant a lot to me. we've got to reconnect with folks. i think now after four years people know trump's a big. >> right. >> but how does it affect me. >> so, look, 88 days, and you write in the book that trump would like to make this about him, but we need to make it about the voters. the trump trap, as you just mentioned. with covid a still major issue, can the democrats learn anything from 2016 and really focus on those issues that matter and not continue to focus on donald trump? >> i hope. i hope. you're right, covid changes everything. i think this is the first political strategy since covid, you know? i did two things. i grew a beard and i wrote a book. donna, you know me -- >> i had it all ov