room for re website listis are up since new york's law pass ed.m like alistair make some money,people li the hocktons ve s some moand they have an experience theyouldn't have. >> it amazg, great, easy, fun. he cheaper taxi services survive. th regula pounce and the business grows. >> ye the businesisowing credibly fast. we've had peopleayay multiple s that lift has tored their faith in humani. >> lift a decar are n in more than aozen cities. the mountain man refused to close his camp. then his passionate supporters got north carolina' legislature to change the law to exempt primitive camps. soun like e bill was written just forhim. >>t wawritten just for hi >>nd they fixed it so that he was pretty much exempt. >> the mountain man tehes kids agn, and the seguewayay tours continue. rj keeps moving people while he fights inn court. >> look a that, verybody. matter can keep his mag show alive. ere's a laep ending here. >> yes. >> afteris styade headlines the govement backed off. marty no longer musthave a disaster plan for his rabbit. >> with a little