, then... the old literary review, when the new one appeared, these are two issues in memory ofthe time when viktor kule was the editor-in-chief of the magazine, well, about this book, a few words, please tell me what is important here, so, the thing is that this is the first book, not only of poetry, but also of translations, and brutsky, when he left, they didn’t allow him to take anything with him, not even photographs of his parents, he left without a clutch papers, accordingly a huge amount of typewriters wrote, there is a classic photograph of a suitcase. yes, yes, yes, that's all, that's what was filmed, but he couldn't bring anything with him, that day of brodsky's departure, accordingly, volodya maramzin collected, compiled, also already deceased, yes, that famous samozdat collection, something else, here i dug up - then all this is stored in a public place in st. petersburg, the moramzin collection of manuscripts hidden, there is a crazy number of translations there, which he considered lost, in general. about ardis's books, i wanted to talk about that of course, parti