Jun 17, 2015
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que fue el blanco mortal de un grupo de jÓvenes que se dedicaba a si te fijas en esta ola de miller liteas seis...identificaron a las victimas que murieron tras el colapso de un balcon en un edificio de berkeley durante una fiesta de cumpleaños... ---avanza el plan de presupuesto estatal.. le diremos por qué la comunidad inmigrante podria resultar victoriosa con este acuerdo. ---estamos en vivo con los aficionados de los warriors.. quienes ya estan saboreando una posible victoria de su equipo.. hay jubilo en la bahia. perder esto y mucho mÁs en primer impacto por univisiÓn. >> casar guatemaltecos era la meta de un grupo de jÓvenes en la florida. natalia cross hablÓ con la familia de la vÍctima y nos dice lo que enfrentan los presuntos responsables. natalia: serÍa una noche de cacerÍa en bÚsqueda de la vÍctima perfecta. y la encontraron. >> veo que mi hermano estÁ levantando y le dice levÁntate, levÁntate. pero ya no se podÍa levantar. natalia:decidiÓ aventurarse solÉ hasta los estados unidos desde su natal guatemala a a l d jÚpiter en florida en 2013 donde pasÓ de sus hermanos habÍan emi
que fue el blanco mortal de un grupo de jÓvenes que se dedicaba a si te fijas en esta ola de miller liteas seis...identificaron a las victimas que murieron tras el colapso de un balcon en un edificio de berkeley durante una fiesta de cumpleaños... ---avanza el plan de presupuesto estatal.. le diremos por qué la comunidad inmigrante podria resultar victoriosa con este acuerdo. ---estamos en vivo con los aficionados de los warriors.. quienes ya estan saboreando una posible victoria de su...
Jun 16, 2015
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si te fijas en esta ola de miller lite, vas a poder ver 96 calorías trabajando juntas para crear el balancen su discurso afirmÓ que sÓlo alguien como Él es capaz de salvar a este paÍs y devolverle su grandeza asegurando que serÍa el mejor presidente que dios haya creado. >> lo que ha indignado a millones de hispanos pamela y televidentes es que arremetiÓ contra los inmigrantes mexicanos alegando que son violadores y criminales esto fue lo que dijo hace unas horas. >> bueno como era de esperar el discurso del candidato del partido republicano inundÓ de comentarios las redes sociales. >> aquÍ tenemos a nuestro querido borja con las reacciones. hay opiniones encontradas. borja: buenas tardes bÁrbara pamela. he querido traeros un resumen. la verdad que se me ha hecho bastante difÍcil buscar, buscar en las redes opiniones favorables a donald trump vamos a ver lo que opinan nuestros televidentes sobre esta polÉmica pero vamos a ver uno de los vÍdeos del dÍa en la red. vamos con la primera reacciÓn. ( informaciÓn en pantalla ) vamos a seguir con el siguiente este hecho ocurrÍa en facebook. patrici
si te fijas en esta ola de miller lite, vas a poder ver 96 calorías trabajando juntas para crear el balancen su discurso afirmÓ que sÓlo alguien como Él es capaz de salvar a este paÍs y devolverle su grandeza asegurando que serÍa el mejor presidente que dios haya creado. >> lo que ha indignado a millones de hispanos pamela y televidentes es que arremetiÓ contra los inmigrantes mexicanos alegando que son violadores y criminales esto fue lo que dijo hace unas horas. >> bueno...
Jun 23, 2015
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ya volvemos.s en esta ola de miller lite, vas a poder ver 96 calorías trabajando juntas para crear elndro 50 que para contarnos de la combinaciÓn entre la belleza y un buen fÚtbol en el equipo de las barras y las estrellas. alejandro: un gusto estar con ustedes en este martes y cada vez mÁs guapa, con esa panza barbie. pancita y te queda muy bien. en mundial ha sorprendido porque las entradas han sido magnÍficas muchas bellezas y es un deleite y muy buen fÚtbol. un buen crecimiento.... barbie: un presidente superlativo en las redes sociales, apoyando la selecciÓn estados unidos. este es su deber pero muy activo. alejandro: sin duda lo que me refiero que el nivel va en incremento en tÉrminos generales. las invito a que me acompaÑÓ para revisar quÉ fue lo que sucediÓ en esta jornada de copa del mundo en canadÁ, a la cama con esto pero ademÁs tenemos un montÓn de mÁs informaciÓn. ♪ ♪ ♪ estados unidos derrotÓ 2 0 a colombia a lunes, y avanzÓ los cuartos de final del mundial femenil de canadÁ. enfrentarÁ ahora a china. mismo mundial pero ahora en otro estadio, noruega dejÓ ir una ventaja a
ya volvemos.s en esta ola de miller lite, vas a poder ver 96 calorías trabajando juntas para crear elndro 50 que para contarnos de la combinaciÓn entre la belleza y un buen fÚtbol en el equipo de las barras y las estrellas. alejandro: un gusto estar con ustedes en este martes y cada vez mÁs guapa, con esa panza barbie. pancita y te queda muy bien. en mundial ha sorprendido porque las entradas han sido magnÍficas muchas bellezas y es un deleite y muy buen fÚtbol. un buen crecimiento.......
Jun 24, 2015
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. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ si te fijas en esta ola de miller lite, vas a poder ver 96 calorías trabajando juntas paraalidad de vida que eran maltratados en cautiverio. ivÁn nos cuenta y vemos cÓmo se recuperan con el abuso. imÁgenes impacto. ivÁn: la crueldad y los maltratos no vencieron estos animales que fueron rescatados. >> ella es una cosa que no tenÍa pelo, geriÁtrica, tristemente fue asegurada en todo y nunca la quiso nadie porque era una vieja. ivÁn: son 25 en total que reflejan su drama. este tigre por ejemplo, y acÁ donde los rescataron no es un zoolÓgico es una especie de centro de la habitaciÓn donde son tratados con cuyos especiales. en el caso de cucho un tigre que en el circo donde tenÍan al cerrar las rejas le cayÓ encima y lo dejÓ prÁcticamente paralÍtico y se arrastraba para moverse en este espacio. lo sometieron apartamentos que poco a poco lo regresaron a la vida normal. >> hicimos un pequeÑo rastreo para ver si tenÍa alguna masa... ivÁn: ahora su mejor y es evidente y estÁ listo para ser puesto en libertad. los animales permanecieron en este lugar. simba es una de las 25 lo que l
. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ si te fijas en esta ola de miller lite, vas a poder ver 96 calorías trabajando juntas paraalidad de vida que eran maltratados en cautiverio. ivÁn nos cuenta y vemos cÓmo se recuperan con el abuso. imÁgenes impacto. ivÁn: la crueldad y los maltratos no vencieron estos animales que fueron rescatados. >> ella es una cosa que no tenÍa pelo, geriÁtrica, tristemente fue asegurada en todo y nunca la quiso nadie porque era una vieja. ivÁn: son 25 en total que...
Jun 23, 2015
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nueva paleta the blushed nudes ♪tal vez es maybelline.♪ si te fijas en esta ola de miller lite, vas aue estÁn en nuestro sistema intestinal y cuando tales balanceadas es decir que muchas aquellas malas como se les conoce puede ocasionar problemas de salud bastante serios y cuando estar balanceadas pueden preservar la salud. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ cecilia: cuando el sistema gastro intestinal esta saludable contiene 400 tipos de bacterias buenas que ofrecen protecciÓn ayudando a mantener un balance natural en la microflora intestinal. la batea buena se enfrenta muchas amenazas dentro del intestino como el agua clorada, alimentos procesados... y los que matan las partidas que causan la enfermedad y a las buenas tambiÉn, creando un desequilibrio y disminuciÓn de bacterias beneficiosas que puede conducir a problemas digestivos, diarreas e infecciones. una forma de evitarlo es reemplazando estas bacterias beneficiosas, tomando suplementos y previniendo ademÁs de las diarreas entre otros. el repollo agrio fermentado entre otros. se pueden conseguir en muchos alimentos y productos como en el agua de coc
nueva paleta the blushed nudes ♪tal vez es maybelline.♪ si te fijas en esta ola de miller lite, vas aue estÁn en nuestro sistema intestinal y cuando tales balanceadas es decir que muchas aquellas malas como se les conoce puede ocasionar problemas de salud bastante serios y cuando estar balanceadas pueden preservar la salud. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ cecilia: cuando el sistema gastro intestinal esta saludable contiene 400 tipos de bacterias buenas que ofrecen protecciÓn ayudando a mantener...
Jun 30, 2015
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they will have facebook lite, a version of the social network that would use limited data.boutiques to a buddhist temple in myanmar, go inside any building anywhere. many companies are already using the technology to offer property buyers 3-d home tours. matt bell joins me right now. and our guest host is still with us. i have a demo of this, matt. tell me, you have the $30 million, will the technology change a lot from where you are now? matt: we have plans for expansion. what we've already created is the equivalent of photography for 3-d spaces. anyone using our camera can quickly make a dimensionally accurate full-color model. cory: let's look at one now. matt: we are inside the studio. cory: what are the squiggly lines all over the place? matt: those are the ceiling. pop down below there. this is what i'm seeing right now. cory: i've got to remove the password for the login there. there we go. there is the conference room. i noticed some strangeness here. people appear and as i backup, different people are there now. matt: if you turn to the right you can get a view of
they will have facebook lite, a version of the social network that would use limited data.boutiques to a buddhist temple in myanmar, go inside any building anywhere. many companies are already using the technology to offer property buyers 3-d home tours. matt bell joins me right now. and our guest host is still with us. i have a demo of this, matt. tell me, you have the $30 million, will the technology change a lot from where you are now? matt: we have plans for expansion. what we've already...
Jun 5, 2015
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they managed to launch this thing under lites own power and disaster. they took it outside the breakwater into the river. it eventually flipped. the captain had to be rescued and it's tide to the dock. we don't know if the orca will swim again and the see liens stayed put. >> making a racquet behind you. final, congratulations to al jazeera america colleague ray suarez, the host of "inside story", he received the journalist of conscious award at lincoln center presented by educational video center helping struggling teens by getting them involved in journalism and film production. i'm antonio mora thank you for joining us ray is next with "inside story". have a great night. [ ♪♪ ] >>> there are 435 voting members of the u.s. house of representatives, that's roughly one for every 735,000 people in the country, but which people. a texan named sue evenwell is suing the government to define districts not by the number of people but the number of citizens eligible to vote. a
they managed to launch this thing under lites own power and disaster. they took it outside the breakwater into the river. it eventually flipped. the captain had to be rescued and it's tide to the dock. we don't know if the orca will swim again and the see liens stayed put. >> making a racquet behind you. final, congratulations to al jazeera america colleague ray suarez, the host of "inside story", he received the journalist of conscious award at lincoln center presented by...
Jun 20, 2015
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si te fijas en esta ola de miller lite, vas a poder ver 96 calorías trabajando juntas para crear el balances los padres en casita. les quiero contar que un impotente espectÁculo fue captado en indonesia, durante la erupciÓn de un volcÁn, una gigantesca nube se elevÓ a las alturas y miles de residentes debieron ser evacuados y no menos impactante es el vÍdeo registrado en china en una fuerte inundaciÓn, un vehÍculo quedÓ varado. un socorrista logrÓ al fin sacarlo con vida. definitivamente eso es un susto de impacto, pero bueno de este lado del mapa, tenemos calor prÁcticamente en toda la naciÓn. ustedes en miami para este fin de semana van a experimentar temperaturas con el Índice de calor como si estuvieran en los 100 grados, lo mismo en las carolinas. aquÍ tenemos los remanentes de lo que fue la tormenta tropical bill que se va concentrar en illinois y san louies. y para la zona de new jersey queens. aquÍ en la costa oeste, hay gran tranquilidad, pero las temperaturas van a estar bastante altas, phoenix con temperaturas en los 3 dÍgitos. todavÍa hay advertencias en el noreste del paÍs por
si te fijas en esta ola de miller lite, vas a poder ver 96 calorías trabajando juntas para crear el balances los padres en casita. les quiero contar que un impotente espectÁculo fue captado en indonesia, durante la erupciÓn de un volcÁn, una gigantesca nube se elevÓ a las alturas y miles de residentes debieron ser evacuados y no menos impactante es el vÍdeo registrado en china en una fuerte inundaciÓn, un vehÍculo quedÓ varado. un socorrista logrÓ al fin sacarlo con vida....
Jun 11, 2015
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these letters also shed lite on the human side of the great scientist he writes to his young son congratulating him for his interest in mathematics and reminding him to brush his teeth. and it is signed papa. einstein who was twice married and had many misstresses muses about sex telling one he believes men are not naturally monogamous. einstein was abearthbound human being, just like the rest of us, even as his mind wandered through the limitless cosmos. al jazeera california. >> you can get more on all those stories at aljazeera.com. you thank you very much. >> thank you. >> hello and welcome. i'm phil torres here to talk about innovations that can change lives. we're going to explore the intersection of hardware and humanity and doing it in a unique way. this is a show about science by scientists. let's check out our team of hard core nerds. >> dr. crystal dilworth is a molecular
these letters also shed lite on the human side of the great scientist he writes to his young son congratulating him for his interest in mathematics and reminding him to brush his teeth. and it is signed papa. einstein who was twice married and had many misstresses muses about sex telling one he believes men are not naturally monogamous. einstein was abearthbound human being, just like the rest of us, even as his mind wandered through the limitless cosmos. al jazeera california. >> you can...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Jun 1, 2015
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is a resolution tew prove a report of assessment cost submitted by public work for inspection or liteed properties >> it is my understanding that-colleagues can we skip this item and return to it? without objection we'll skip this item and go to item 9 >> item 9 is a ordinance to deappropriate 9.6 million [inaudible] appropriate 9.6 million over time in the sheriffs department. the emergency management fire department [inaudible] support the department rejected increase in over time and places 92 thousand of the sheriffs appropriation on the reserve. this requires a 2/3 vote for aprovel of the 1 #0e 5 thousand to public utilities commission >> item 9 same house and cal? without objection this ordinance is passed unanimousically >> item 10 is ordinance to authorize the public utility [inaudible] sell leck trisee to operate the cities electrical [inaudible] >> colleagues same house same call? without objection the ordinance is passed unanimously. item 11 >> item slaev ordinance to appropriate 1.75 million from waste water enterprise funds designated to pay claim settlements legal expenses
is a resolution tew prove a report of assessment cost submitted by public work for inspection or liteed properties >> it is my understanding that-colleagues can we skip this item and return to it? without objection we'll skip this item and go to item 9 >> item 9 is a ordinance to deappropriate 9.6 million [inaudible] appropriate 9.6 million over time in the sheriffs department. the emergency management fire department [inaudible] support the department rejected increase in over time...
Jun 5, 2015
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we have a lite book flyer to show you about that. her life and career were dailed by lyme disease for while. alsoamy's doctor joins us tay, dr. ray stricker, ternationally known for his work in treating lyme disease pai patients. amy, i was holding up your book, and i bet you were glato do this because your career was derailed because of this. >> i couldn't write, i couldn't red, i couldn't reunderstand things. >> do you remember when you first g sick? i got sick the dayfter i was iected. i didn't know i was feed, but i had the flu, the summertime flu. i had not been ck with the flu for about 15 years. i never got sick. i saw a rash, didn't have the bullseye, didn't worry about it. >> that's typilly the first symptom people talkabout. >> dr. stricker, you are amy's doctor. thnk you for allowing us to have this conversation. what is lyme disease? >> lym disease is a mor epidemic. e cdc estimates a least 30,0 new cases a year, probably more than that, more common than breast cancer, six times more coon than aids. it is a disease transm
we have a lite book flyer to show you about that. her life and career were dailed by lyme disease for while. alsoamy's doctor joins us tay, dr. ray stricker, ternationally known for his work in treating lyme disease pai patients. amy, i was holding up your book, and i bet you were glato do this because your career was derailed because of this. >> i couldn't write, i couldn't red, i couldn't reunderstand things. >> do you remember when you first g sick? i got sick the dayfter i was...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Jun 15, 2015
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the 5 academy classes is approximately 11 million dollars >> okay, and you can see that i high pm liteed that >> there is 11.6 million on the previous slide plus 11 million the following year so that is all the police academy >> that is public safety hiring and police staffy, for the body camera? >> the body cameras are 3 million dollars in the next of the 2 years >> 3 million per year >> that's right >> supervisor yee >> thank you mr. howard for your presentation and want to thank the mayor for relatively positive budget offer. there is a lot of good things about it. of course we are trying to address housing. maybe we still fall short of what we were trying to do, but it is step in the right direction. maybe in our process we can assist that a little bit. i'm happy about the seniors-advocateing for senior services for the last few years and see it in the budget like this t is a good thing. also the arts community-the funding for arts was a pleasant addition to the budget because i know the art community is advocateing and asking for more resources to keep our culture up in san francisc
the 5 academy classes is approximately 11 million dollars >> okay, and you can see that i high pm liteed that >> there is 11.6 million on the previous slide plus 11 million the following year so that is all the police academy >> that is public safety hiring and police staffy, for the body camera? >> the body cameras are 3 million dollars in the next of the 2 years >> 3 million per year >> that's right >> supervisor yee >> thank you mr. howard for...
Jun 5, 2015
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take sot :23 blancavo ---lasautoridades afirron que conformarn un equipo "lite" para investigar lo sucedidoocesar ---en guerrero, mexico, maestros y normalistas que se open a la celebraon de comicios realizaron protestas en los municipios de "chilpancingo" y "tixtla"... ---profesores y jvenes tomaron por dos horas las instalaciones del tribunal electoral del estado de guerrerodonde quemaron papelera electoral... ---el domingo se realizaran elecciones federales y localesde medio termino. blanca ---4 hombres y 2 mujeres fueron arrestados al sur de californ en lo que se consideda un duro golpe al narcotrfico. cesar --- autoridades aseguran haberencontrado cientos de kilos de cocana que supuestamente pertenecen al cartel de sinaloa... ---luis treto nos ampla... ;01 ;12 01;05 01;10 pkg autoridades incautaron cientos de kilos de cocaina anoche en esta vivienda de santafe springs. los distribuidoresde la droga dice la policia trabajaban mano a mano con el cartel de sinaloa. carlos mendoza/directo r de alguaciles l.a. impact "yo en muchos anono había vistuna pae que había 305ilos. eesta evaluado en
take sot :23 blancavo ---lasautoridades afirron que conformarn un equipo "lite" para investigar lo sucedidoocesar ---en guerrero, mexico, maestros y normalistas que se open a la celebraon de comicios realizaron protestas en los municipios de "chilpancingo" y "tixtla"... ---profesores y jvenes tomaron por dos horas las instalaciones del tribunal electoral del estado de guerrerodonde quemaron papelera electoral... ---el domingo se realizaran elecciones federales y...
Jun 4, 2015
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deuda principal de su casa no debe exceder los $729-mil-750 dolares, para calificar existe taien un litetre las diferentciudades en california. cesar --para ms informacion sobre esta historia y mas sobre telemundo 48 responde visite nuestra pagina web triple doble v punto telemundo 48 punto com y haga una busqueda de la palabra responde. cesar vo -- regalar chocolates no siempre es simbolo de cariÑo... --si no lo cree, preguntele a un frustrado residente en san diego, quien cansado de que los perros usaran su jardin como baÑo, decidio esparcir en el cesped muchas libras de chocolate, para que los canes que llegaran a hacer sus necesidades, lo comieran.... --y es que segun estudios, el chocolate es altamente toxico para los perros, al punto que podria ocasionarles la muerte. take vo blan --dicen que mo no incomod aunquen estaocasion puede r diferente.--y es que segun una reconocida empresa de maquinas de afeitar, las ntas hacaido drasticamente porque ha aumentado el numero de hombres que prefieren dejarse la barba. --esta tendencia ha sido mas notoria en los timos aÑos, po mucho masen los
deuda principal de su casa no debe exceder los $729-mil-750 dolares, para calificar existe taien un litetre las diferentciudades en california. cesar --para ms informacion sobre esta historia y mas sobre telemundo 48 responde visite nuestra pagina web triple doble v punto telemundo 48 punto com y haga una busqueda de la palabra responde. cesar vo -- regalar chocolates no siempre es simbolo de cariÑo... --si no lo cree, preguntele a un frustrado residente en san diego, quien cansado de que los...
Jun 19, 2015
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si te fijas en esta ola de miller lite, vas a poder ver 96 calorías trabajando juntas para crear el balanceo que tendrÁ sorpresas para esos grandes padres en tu casa. hay muchas cosas pasando, pero antes les quiero contar que un impotente espectÁculo fue catado en indonesia, durante la explosiÓn de un volcÁn, formÓ una gigantesca nube. afortunadamente, no se ha reportado vÍctimas. unautobÚs quedÓ atrapado en la potente corriente de un rÍo desbordado. la fuerza del agua hizo que el vehÍculo quedara ruedas arriba y su conductor, quedÓ prisionero en el interior. pero mÁs de media hora, un socorrista logrÓ sacarlo con vida. definitivamente, eso fue un susto de impacto. bueno, de este lado del mapa, tenemos calor, prÁcticamente en toda la naciÓn. ustedes en miami van a experimentar temperaturas con el Índice de calor como si estuvieran en los 100 f. aquÍ tenemos los permanentes de la tormenta bill, al sur de illinois. estas bandas de lluvia van a viajar hacia el noroeste. todo el suroeste de new york. un fin de semana con fuertes lluvias. el centro del paÍs, afortunadamente con condiciones tranq
si te fijas en esta ola de miller lite, vas a poder ver 96 calorías trabajando juntas para crear el balanceo que tendrÁ sorpresas para esos grandes padres en tu casa. hay muchas cosas pasando, pero antes les quiero contar que un impotente espectÁculo fue catado en indonesia, durante la explosiÓn de un volcÁn, formÓ una gigantesca nube. afortunadamente, no se ha reportado vÍctimas. unautobÚs quedÓ atrapado en la potente corriente de un rÍo desbordado. la fuerza del agua hizo que el...
Jun 10, 2015
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police say the veteran philadelphia stage actor may have been crossing at the lite when he was hit andgged. doctors had to amputate one of his legs. investigators say they have not yet found surveillance video. they're working on that and asking witnesses and the driver to come forward. >>> 4:45 and 69 degrees. today, vice president joe biden will return to washington for the first time since his son's funeral. the vice president will have lunch with president obama in the president's private dining room. mr. biden has been spending most of his time in wilmington. his son died more than a week ago from brain cancer. his funeral was saturday. >>> michelle obama spoke to graduates at a prep school last night. first lady michelle spoke at martin luther king jr. college preparatory high school. it's the same school that won the competition challenge to increase the number of students who complete the free application for federal student aid for college. the challenge was part of michelle obama's reach higher initiative. >> instead of letting your hardships and failures discourage or exhaus
police say the veteran philadelphia stage actor may have been crossing at the lite when he was hit andgged. doctors had to amputate one of his legs. investigators say they have not yet found surveillance video. they're working on that and asking witnesses and the driver to come forward. >>> 4:45 and 69 degrees. today, vice president joe biden will return to washington for the first time since his son's funeral. the vice president will have lunch with president obama in the president's...
Jun 18, 2015
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si te fijas en esta ola de miller lite, vas a poder ver 96 calorías trabajando juntas para crear el balancepenas podÍa caminar y su piel estaba casi morada. naciÓ con una anomalÍa en la estructura del corazÓn conocida como sÍndrome, un defecto que cambia el flujo normal de la sangre del corazÓn. el pronÓstico en estos casos no es muy esperanzador ya que la mayorÍa de los niÑos llegan a la adolescencia. >>yo cuando caminaba me sentÍa cansada y me sentaba enseguida. >> para la doctora del equipo mÉdico del programa de enfermedades congÉnitas del corazÓn del hospital es un milagro que haya sobrevivido hasta los 11 aÑos de edad sin el tratamiento adecuado. cuando ella se quita su pronÓstico era muy pobre su mamÁ tenÍa que cargarla todo el tiempo. es una combinaciÓn de cuatro defectos cardiacos. primero presenta un orificio en la pared que separa los ventrÍculos del corazÓn, estrechamiento, problemas con la aorta y engrosamiento del ventrÍculo derecho. sin ser reparado mediante una cirugÍa los nervios se tornan morados a que la circulaciÓn de la sangre no llega a los pulmones. en la mayorÍa de l
si te fijas en esta ola de miller lite, vas a poder ver 96 calorías trabajando juntas para crear el balancepenas podÍa caminar y su piel estaba casi morada. naciÓ con una anomalÍa en la estructura del corazÓn conocida como sÍndrome, un defecto que cambia el flujo normal de la sangre del corazÓn. el pronÓstico en estos casos no es muy esperanzador ya que la mayorÍa de los niÑos llegan a la adolescencia. >>yo cuando caminaba me sentÍa cansada y me sentaba enseguida. >> para...
Jun 26, 2015
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bÁrbara: logran si te fijas en esta ola de miller lite, vas a poder ver 96 calorías trabajando juntasse.. buscan a los responsables de un violento robo... dos sujetos atacaron a dos mujeres y con violencia les e hablÉ la suda _ ayuda una campesina. maÑana. lo que a continuaciÓn os ha llenado de angustias a todos. nuestro reportero encontrÓ las entraÑas de una pueda y en el camino se perdiÓ el equipo y la historia del derecho de contado otra historia por poco. vamos a jalisco contra ser el relato. >> llegar a la boca de una cueva escondida en la maleza de la sierra no es nada sencillo. es la entrada a la cueva de mandoleros... >> existe la leyenda de que los bandidos de la guerra crispera escondÍan sus... >> sus botines aquÍ. es mi turno para bajar por la garganta de tierra. >> acÁ hay entre 90 y 100 pies. muy estrecho. aquÍ se inician lagos hematÓfanos. >> con otros estuvimos abajo alejandro recupero la cuerda. al caer la cuerda se cerraba la posibilidad de salir por donde entramos y no queda otro remedio que cruzar la cueva llena de peligrosos pasajes. fuimos recibidos por una nueva
bÁrbara: logran si te fijas en esta ola de miller lite, vas a poder ver 96 calorías trabajando juntasse.. buscan a los responsables de un violento robo... dos sujetos atacaron a dos mujeres y con violencia les e hablÉ la suda _ ayuda una campesina. maÑana. lo que a continuaciÓn os ha llenado de angustias a todos. nuestro reportero encontrÓ las entraÑas de una pueda y en el camino se perdiÓ el equipo y la historia del derecho de contado otra historia por poco. vamos a jalisco contra ser...
Jun 8, 2015
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puede hacer para ser mam en tiempos modernos, ac algunos consejos--- take half slab reveal #1 --- nte litesque tenemos acer de cada uno de los roles en lsociedad son nuestros mayores crticos al momento de tomar una decisin --- reveal #2 --- concreta prioridades esto te permitir teneuorden en cada actividad, tantolaboral como mdica, recuerdaque ahora respondes por dos --- reveal #3 --- no te sientas culpab se ha comprobado que padres trabajadores desarrollan ms autopnoma y alcanzan sus metas con ms facilidad a lo largo de su vida y esto estula la sana convivencia en familia--- tag on camara -- por ltimorecuerda que combinar la vida profesional ymaternal demandar tiempo, por lo que cada minutdebe transformarse en unrespaldo educavo y de formacin para pequeÑo, eo es todpor hoy pero Ñana tendremos mas consos paraseguir creciendo jtos --- halflab ' live bug lorena ---tiempo de la pausa ticiero telemdo 48 prira ediciontake vo / lorena --- no se pierda nuestro segmento tu mundo tecnolgicopara los detalles de un nuevo sistema de seguridad para su hogar que escaz de advertirle incluso hasta de un to
puede hacer para ser mam en tiempos modernos, ac algunos consejos--- take half slab reveal #1 --- nte litesque tenemos acer de cada uno de los roles en lsociedad son nuestros mayores crticos al momento de tomar una decisin --- reveal #2 --- concreta prioridades esto te permitir teneuorden en cada actividad, tantolaboral como mdica, recuerdaque ahora respondes por dos --- reveal #3 --- no te sientas culpab se ha comprobado que padres trabajadores desarrollan ms autopnoma y alcanzan sus metas con...
Jun 9, 2015
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the scene of liting it on fire and going everywhere.e push back from the national gas industry and from the conservatives that are declined for fracking for whatever reason. oh yeah, there's something and we have been lighting it for ever. well, six years and 470 peer reviewed studies later, this is not a laughing matter. what we have -- what i have been saying since 2009 and 2010, they were everywhere and now we have pure science that says sure enough, yes method is encouraged. if you're within a mile of a fracking well, and you see other compounds in the fracking water. what the epa did was that they went on down the study and asked for by the citizen. i was asked and i won 1 hundreds to testify. we wanted an air study and public health monitoring and ground and surface. we wanted land monitoring. epa did none of those things. over the course of the five years the industry got inside of the epa and attacked that they dismantled it. there were no case studies and they refused on my sites. so the epa then obama's epa that was political.
the scene of liting it on fire and going everywhere.e push back from the national gas industry and from the conservatives that are declined for fracking for whatever reason. oh yeah, there's something and we have been lighting it for ever. well, six years and 470 peer reviewed studies later, this is not a laughing matter. what we have -- what i have been saying since 2009 and 2010, they were everywhere and now we have pure science that says sure enough, yes method is encouraged. if you're...
Jun 5, 2015
eye 122
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facebook lite will bring access to essentials. news feeds and status notifications.> yahoo! maps shutting down. in a blog post, the eight year old service will be discontinued. yahoo! maps is under competition from apple maps and google maps. marissa meyer is focusing on the stream lined businesses. you can fold up in a bunch of pieces and you know, it doesn't need a battery. it is called a map. >>> yahoo! maps. millions of federal employees hacked in a breach of government computers. unprecedented and the u.s. is pointing the finger at china. "new day" picks up the story now. >>> possibly the biggest government hack we have seen. >> the breach could affect every agency in the united states. >> the reality of it is you cannot prevent the attacks. you have to learn to detect them. >> we knew the urgency was there. we had to get to him. >> one of the three men allegedly involved had been communicating online with known isis members. >> we don't very facts to go on. we have allegations. >> beau had an extraordinary heart. >> our children live in a safer state. >> beau i
facebook lite will bring access to essentials. news feeds and status notifications.> yahoo! maps shutting down. in a blog post, the eight year old service will be discontinued. yahoo! maps is under competition from apple maps and google maps. marissa meyer is focusing on the stream lined businesses. you can fold up in a bunch of pieces and you know, it doesn't need a battery. it is called a map. >>> yahoo! maps. millions of federal employees hacked in a breach of government...
Jun 12, 2015
eye 155
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so far, friday lite and finale the crash is cleared in san francisco and all the slowing has dissipated northbound 101 as you aprevious the skyway, further to the north we had an early stalled vehicle and foggy conditions around the golden gate bridge so coming in from marin to san francisco your visibility will certainly be impeded. use the low families. here is a look at drive time traffics 680 subtraffic walnut creek to dublin is 14 minutes and from santa rosa to san francisco is 53 minutes with center time slowing the speed for the fog and through the santa cruz mountains along highway 17 to los gatos it is 2 minutes. >> whole foods is making a move to attract younger shoppers in america's money. >> an naacp leader is under investigation with a simple question that had her running from a reporter. you tell us what you want to pay and we help find options to fit your budget. nah, nah, insurance, nah, nah, nah, discount. my name's flo, you want to go out with me? no. uh-huh-huh! let's mobile. same plan. new phone. or a new plan. and a just in case. add a new line. or three. and unlimi
so far, friday lite and finale the crash is cleared in san francisco and all the slowing has dissipated northbound 101 as you aprevious the skyway, further to the north we had an early stalled vehicle and foggy conditions around the golden gate bridge so coming in from marin to san francisco your visibility will certainly be impeded. use the low families. here is a look at drive time traffics 680 subtraffic walnut creek to dublin is 14 minutes and from santa rosa to san francisco is 53 minutes...
Jun 3, 2015
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suggest however much she is bringing and proftds from this, it's good in some ways to shine a spot litee transgender. do you buy that argument? >> i think that the long term interest is more financial. >> how this family has been able to capture the imagination or the sustain or whatever it is of the american public. >> when you talk, could this backfire in my way? >> so far there's nothing. they have seen a perfect perfect role out of this new persona and the person that starts with day one and the amazing earneing potential. the bigger that you are, the hard er that you fall here. >> or the more that ayou put yourself out there. >> so far there's fascination with the story. >> okay. thank you so much. >> thank you. >>> coming up for us. what if your boss off erred to pay your kids college education. >> jeff. >> go ahead. we will take it. that's what one wants to do. how he is going to pay for it all. what does it mean. are there rules involved here. he is going to be joining us next. thanks for the ride around norfolk! and i just wanted to say, geico is proud to have served the milita
suggest however much she is bringing and proftds from this, it's good in some ways to shine a spot litee transgender. do you buy that argument? >> i think that the long term interest is more financial. >> how this family has been able to capture the imagination or the sustain or whatever it is of the american public. >> when you talk, could this backfire in my way? >> so far there's nothing. they have seen a perfect perfect role out of this new persona and the person...
Jun 29, 2015
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. >> i was just speaking with susan lite -- susan lee taylor. an area of low clouds and fog moving into the bay causing condensation, but also we have tropical moisture lifting from the south to the north producing a little bit of light drizzle. out the door, we have the layer of clouds looking at sfo, and currently, number wise, we are in the 50s and 60s. mild start to the day in what's going to pan out to be warmer and muggy in comparison to yesterday. # 0 degrees in -- 90 degrees in concord. 70s and 80s around the peninsula. topping off with a very muggy 92 degrees in morgan hill. 94 in gilroy. also mid-90s in brent wood through tracy, upper 80s in san ramon. a west wind 10 to 20, and throughout the seashore, stinson beach. into the 80s north of the golden gate bridge as we top off at 84 degrees. mid 90s through cloud coverdale and clear lake, a slight chance of an evening thunderstorm. details on that at 48 minutes after the hour. let's check in with liza. >> good morning, everybody. unfortunately we have this accident now delays some of the
. >> i was just speaking with susan lite -- susan lee taylor. an area of low clouds and fog moving into the bay causing condensation, but also we have tropical moisture lifting from the south to the north producing a little bit of light drizzle. out the door, we have the layer of clouds looking at sfo, and currently, number wise, we are in the 50s and 60s. mild start to the day in what's going to pan out to be warmer and muggy in comparison to yesterday. # 0 degrees in -- 90 degrees in...
Jun 18, 2015
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the lites up now a little bit. you can see the burn marks on the outside, sort of it side of the garage, a part of the fence is destroyed. this very violent blast came from the garage, hurling a man several feet back. we know that the victim has life-threatening burns all over his body, and is now in a sacramento burn unit. now, the explosion happened around 5:00 last night, and when police arrived, they found a man, 40-year-old anthony stewart on the ground in front of the house on cat lynn drive near soussa court. investigators say stewart had been manufacturing firew for the fourth of july holiday. >> once the bomb unit got here, they were able to determine that the materials involved as well as the devices that are completed were very, very unstable. the decision was made by the experts to carefully transfer those devices, materials to an area a little more remote than this neighborhood nearby that is a secure, fenced-in area, where he could then detonate those devices and render them neutral and inert. >> repo
the lites up now a little bit. you can see the burn marks on the outside, sort of it side of the garage, a part of the fence is destroyed. this very violent blast came from the garage, hurling a man several feet back. we know that the victim has life-threatening burns all over his body, and is now in a sacramento burn unit. now, the explosion happened around 5:00 last night, and when police arrived, they found a man, 40-year-old anthony stewart on the ground in front of the house on cat lynn...
Jun 15, 2015
eye 84
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. >> the summer vacation lite is says taking place. >> we have a new accident in bay city the metering lights have not been turned on but i imagine they will be soon, with backups. it is still clear. if you are headed to the north bay, 101 is more light coming in toward 580 and mill valley so the accident in daly city we have debris spread across the roadways with details straight ahead. >> a win to go only folks is what the warriors have in front of them as they take off this morning. athey hope to bring home the nba championship with home taking 3-2 lead over the cavaliers winning game 5 at oracle arena last night. >> with seven minutes remaining the calf floors took the lead and then mvp steph curry took over leading the dubs and it did not matter where he thought the threes from, the words are a win away from the first tiling in 40 years. >> we are confident. the locker room was the same after a regular season win and we know the sense of urgency. >> huge gay. >> we started off well. steph curry was fantastic in the 4th. everyone pitched in. it feels good. >> steph curry put out so
. >> the summer vacation lite is says taking place. >> we have a new accident in bay city the metering lights have not been turned on but i imagine they will be soon, with backups. it is still clear. if you are headed to the north bay, 101 is more light coming in toward 580 and mill valley so the accident in daly city we have debris spread across the roadways with details straight ahead. >> a win to go only folks is what the warriors have in front of them as they take off this...
Jun 26, 2015
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. >> sure there is, it is always easier to operate when you've got day likely lite. but, again, they've got a tight perimeter. they're bringing more and more personnel into the area. they will catch him. that is a definite, whether they catch him alive or he shoots his way out, that's a different matter. but it goes back to when you're in prison, that's all you've got. you've got time. so the idea that they could have figured out what's behind those walls. again, going back to the 62 braque outof alcatraz, they dug holes behind their cells because they know a period of time they were on work detail to paint, and they knew what was back there. they put the mannequins in their beds, they did the same thing. so this is not something particularly unique to these two in this particular event. but i guess the point being is that you don't have to be a rocket scientist when you're in prison, all you've got is time to figure out how to get out. >> the one concern i have is hostages. it's that remarkable that even though they did shoot at someone going by, the level of desper
. >> sure there is, it is always easier to operate when you've got day likely lite. but, again, they've got a tight perimeter. they're bringing more and more personnel into the area. they will catch him. that is a definite, whether they catch him alive or he shoots his way out, that's a different matter. but it goes back to when you're in prison, that's all you've got. you've got time. so the idea that they could have figured out what's behind those walls. again, going back to the 62...
Jun 7, 2015
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he served cheese curds and miller lite at his reception a few months ago. we love that in iowa.o he's drawing support across a broad section of the party. social conservatives like the fact he's motivated by faith and his governing philosophies and economic conservatives like the fact he took the fight to the unions in wisconsin and can win in a tough state for republicans. now, the key is how do you balance that electoral calculus on the head of a pin all the way through the caucus process? because those are two groups that don't normally support the same candidate in the caucuses. >> and that's for anybody who's going to win the republican nomination. let's turn to the democrats. i wanted to play for our viewers something that hillary clinton said this past week. for the first time really going hard by name against republicans. listen. >> today republicans are systematically and deliberately trying to stop millions of american citizens from voting. what part of democracy are they afraid of? >> maeve, i'll start with you. is that effective? >> we'll have to see. the thing that'
he served cheese curds and miller lite at his reception a few months ago. we love that in iowa.o he's drawing support across a broad section of the party. social conservatives like the fact he's motivated by faith and his governing philosophies and economic conservatives like the fact he took the fight to the unions in wisconsin and can win in a tough state for republicans. now, the key is how do you balance that electoral calculus on the head of a pin all the way through the caucus process?...
Jun 6, 2015
eye 175
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just liting things to make your life easier a phone stand. you a -- in case you want to take all your selfies or want to talk on face time. always a problem. you have that one. have you this air frame one which is just propers it up on your car. it's like a -- we didn't take it out but you stick it in the vent. keep it there so you don't mess with it and then this one. >> not a huge fan of that i like the stone charger. >> it's winning? if you put it along through here. johnny does commercials for this one. it goes --. >> what is it? >> let's say are you run around the studio -- not a charger you put --. >> looks like a fanny pack. >> you drop it and you are like --. >> that's ridiculous. >> bummer. come on. johnny does did on like a chair lift. >> interesting idea. not for me. >> are you just not going to drop it? let's move to this. this is also cool. this is a san francisco based company. you can figure out how to work them? >> nope. >> you put your ears on. >> first of all -- you have to go to disneyland to get them? >> you don't have one
just liting things to make your life easier a phone stand. you a -- in case you want to take all your selfies or want to talk on face time. always a problem. you have that one. have you this air frame one which is just propers it up on your car. it's like a -- we didn't take it out but you stick it in the vent. keep it there so you don't mess with it and then this one. >> not a huge fan of that i like the stone charger. >> it's winning? if you put it along through here. johnny does...
Jun 22, 2015
eye 536
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>> coconut lite milk. it drives down the calories. okay . >> these look familiar. >> what do you think? >> no chia seeds here but about 40 calories a pop and the secret ingredient is spinach. >> i updated that. >> i had to give you one in the segment. >> you gave me an eh. >> that looks nothing like spinach. >> blueberries strawberries spinach and skim milk. they are easy to throw together. recipes on the website. no sugar added. >> redemption. >> detox and friday let's party. >> good. >> coming up next fashion from hippy chic to gingham gone wild. how you can pull off the hottest fashion trends. first, this is "today" on nbc. sop. >> announcer: summer trends on "today" is brought to you by dove hair. >> all right. it's the first full day of summer. we are back. our crowd is excited. this morning we are helping you stay sielish in the hottest trends. megan plays the always fashionable rachel zane. she runs her own fashion and leaf style website. megan, good morning. good to see you. >> you, too. >> we have great trensd. we'll show you
>> coconut lite milk. it drives down the calories. okay . >> these look familiar. >> what do you think? >> no chia seeds here but about 40 calories a pop and the secret ingredient is spinach. >> i updated that. >> i had to give you one in the segment. >> you gave me an eh. >> that looks nothing like spinach. >> blueberries strawberries spinach and skim milk. they are easy to throw together. recipes on the website. no sugar added. >>...
Jun 23, 2015
eye 136
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there's lite of sticking points. back to you guys. >> another positive day for the greek banks. for your time. greece will be front and center for markets today and u.s. futures higher. coming up later today we'll be talking technology. a first on cnbc interview with the blackberry ceo following the company's latest earnings report. that's at 11:45 a.m. eastern time on squawk alley. >> jordan speith joins scott today on fast money halftime report for a first on cnbc interview at 12:40 eastern time. that's all we have time for today on worldwide exchange. thank you for joining us. i'm wilfred frost. >> i'm seema mody. we'll see you tomorrow. next up, squawk box. ♪ ♪ ♪ (singing) you wouldn't haul a load without checking your clearance. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. >>> the ecb is raising emergency funding for the countries banks yet again. also hailing an investor uber getting a big chinese backer as the ride sharing service drives toward an expected ipo. and kicking walmart out of the top ten u.s. companies by market cap
there's lite of sticking points. back to you guys. >> another positive day for the greek banks. for your time. greece will be front and center for markets today and u.s. futures higher. coming up later today we'll be talking technology. a first on cnbc interview with the blackberry ceo following the company's latest earnings report. that's at 11:45 a.m. eastern time on squawk alley. >> jordan speith joins scott today on fast money halftime report for a first on cnbc interview at...
Jun 14, 2015
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. >>> a highly anticipated report is out shedding lite on what happened in the deadly police shootingear old rice in cleveland ohio >> reporter: the investigation by the sheriff's department confirms the story. the report cannot confirm a police officer statement he shouted orders to rice before shooting him instead saying, it sun clear whether officer loman shouted verbal commands from inside the zone card to rice who was located inside of the gazebo area prior to discharging his weapon. investigators found him shot 1 to 2 seconds, firing two shots, one hit the boy standing 4.5 to 7 feet away. the documents revealed moments after the shooting officer frank requested ems, asked for ems again telling them quote step it up, then in a third request, asked for cleveland fire to respond, it would take 8 minutes for an ambulance to arrive. the report says rice was given first aid by an fbi agent, trained as a pair paramedics. the agents said rice turned over and acknowledged and looked at me, and like reached for my hand. the sheriff's department investigated the 911 call reporting a male o
. >>> a highly anticipated report is out shedding lite on what happened in the deadly police shootingear old rice in cleveland ohio >> reporter: the investigation by the sheriff's department confirms the story. the report cannot confirm a police officer statement he shouted orders to rice before shooting him instead saying, it sun clear whether officer loman shouted verbal commands from inside the zone card to rice who was located inside of the gazebo area prior to discharging...
Jun 11, 2015
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at some point last night, they had flood lites, but they decided to hold off further action until they had sunlight. now, our plattsburgh, new york affiliate has spoken with someone who lives in this area who has been told by police to get inside lock their doors, because they're going to try, if they're there, to push the escapees out of the area. and to capture them. jose. >> john yang thank you very much for the latest. let me bring in contributor don borelli, former fbi assistant special agent in charge in new york. good to see you again. >> good morning. >> let's start with the new report that the prison worker joyce mitchell will be charged. tell me what you think about that? >> it's not surprising. i mean she's now admitted that she played a part in helping this escape. she was going to drive the getaway car. we don't know if she helped them get the power tools. the other thing, is what are we not hearing, what else did she do if she was able to get them power tools or any other equipment, it's likely they have cell phones. this could be significant in terms of using these cell
at some point last night, they had flood lites, but they decided to hold off further action until they had sunlight. now, our plattsburgh, new york affiliate has spoken with someone who lives in this area who has been told by police to get inside lock their doors, because they're going to try, if they're there, to push the escapees out of the area. and to capture them. jose. >> john yang thank you very much for the latest. let me bring in contributor don borelli, former fbi assistant...
Jun 16, 2015
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launched a full investigation and the inspectors and city inspectors are going to be out here at first lite'll stay on top of this morning and let you know if we have any developments. >> five killed. >> shocking. shocking. >>> moments ago the naacp leader who resigned after lying about her race speaks out. and just when you thought the story could not get more bizarre. it did. this morning her brother is going to join us with his live reaction next. >> but first, on this date in history in 1903 the ford motor company was incorporated back in 1978 u.s. president jimmy carter ratified the panama canal treaty and sinldy lauper was topping the charts with her hit "time after time" in 1983. ♪ i will catch you i will be waiting ♪ fact. advil is not only strong it's gentle on your body too. no wonder doctors and patients have trusted advil... for their tough pains for over 30 years. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil. when broker chris hill stays at laquinta and fires up free wi-fi, with a network that's now up to 5 times faster than before you know what he can do? let's see if he's r
launched a full investigation and the inspectors and city inspectors are going to be out here at first lite'll stay on top of this morning and let you know if we have any developments. >> five killed. >> shocking. shocking. >>> moments ago the naacp leader who resigned after lying about her race speaks out. and just when you thought the story could not get more bizarre. it did. this morning her brother is going to join us with his live reaction next. >> but first, on...
Jun 18, 2015
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various points there have been helicopters circling over with heavy flood lites.ntil they know that the gunman is caught and the threat has passed. >> bengie on the ground in charl charleston charleston, south carolina. police looking for a young white male, they believe he's between the ages of 21 to 25. >> sandy blond hair. >> sandy blond hair and a four-door black sedan vehicle they believe he left in. >> mika calculated move. a horrific calculated move where actually reports coming out that he let one woman leave, so she could tell the world what he was about to do. also reports coming out that a young 5-year-old girl actually survived by pretending to be dead lying on the floor motionless. >> another survivor told family members the gunman initially sat down in the church for a while before standing up and opening fire. the emanuel ame church known as mother emanuel is an historic religious site. not just in charleston. it's the oldest ame church in the south and the oldest black congregation south of baltimore. it dates back to 1787 as free flacks and slaves
various points there have been helicopters circling over with heavy flood lites.ntil they know that the gunman is caught and the threat has passed. >> bengie on the ground in charl charleston charleston, south carolina. police looking for a young white male, they believe he's between the ages of 21 to 25. >> sandy blond hair. >> sandy blond hair and a four-door black sedan vehicle they believe he left in. >> mika calculated move. a horrific calculated move where actually...
Jun 15, 2015
eye 446
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. >> reporter: for others looking for tennis lite i love itment it's competitive.'s ripping it. >> first impression, the short hoer game made it easier to play. as for the shorter tips. >> don't step over the line. it's a foot fault. >> you and your fancy rules. not so much. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. >> come on! let's go. >> you're good. >> really good. >> really good. >> with a does the future of pop ten fis look like? just like the current pop tennis but in the future. >> you set up your own joke and give the punch line? it's fantastic. >> it's two-thirds the size of a regular court. >> you missed it. >> you can have more in schools,er more in parks. and the goal is to eventually -- >> so you're gnashly ranked now? >> yes. >> you looked good out there. >> you did. >> this is the racket. they describe it as buttery. it's a soft middle. there is a great pop sound. anyone can pick it up. young, old. >> ease stairway find? >> it helps your tennis game a lot. if you can get good at this this is the way to go. >> it seems leek a fast game. >> it's a fast game but you have
. >> reporter: for others looking for tennis lite i love itment it's competitive.'s ripping it. >> first impression, the short hoer game made it easier to play. as for the shorter tips. >> don't step over the line. it's a foot fault. >> you and your fancy rules. not so much. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. >> come on! let's go. >> you're good. >> really good. >> really good. >> with a does the future of pop ten fis look like? just like the current pop...
Jun 4, 2015
eye 194
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david's brother russ said that david was short but muscular and lite liked to hunt roberts to improve the accuracy of his shot. while in vietnam the brothers were less than 100 miles apart but they didn't see each other until the day of david's funeral. in addition to his siblings and parents, david left behind his wife donna and their young son travis. john brinkmeyer was in new england and was born in 1946. he served in the army's 101st airborne division ar till rhode island he was 22 years old when he died on november 27, 1968. john's family said that he loved barefoot water-skiing and flying. john chose to serve so that none of his three brothers would ever have to. the last letter john mailed to his parents from vietnam described with a positive outlook living and working in less than ideal conditions. in his letter he wrote that he expected to be promoted and receive a better aircraft in about a month. but almost two weeks after writing the letter, john's aircraft was shot down and john was killed. his captain wrote john's parents a letter that said "john was the most outstandin
david's brother russ said that david was short but muscular and lite liked to hunt roberts to improve the accuracy of his shot. while in vietnam the brothers were less than 100 miles apart but they didn't see each other until the day of david's funeral. in addition to his siblings and parents, david left behind his wife donna and their young son travis. john brinkmeyer was in new england and was born in 1946. he served in the army's 101st airborne division ar till rhode island he was 22 years...