never in private ownership, they were ruled by the king of poland jogaila, the grand duke of lithuania zhigemontand vytautas, thanks to whom our... people lived here, so some legends say that ships with these murahodami sailed here navat pa refets , they slept on the banks, lit fires, watered, and lo and behold, these villagers who lived there were smeared on the fire. according to historical data, at one time there were many jews in gaina, they created manufacturing plants, provided for the local population work, the picturesque, mountainous region has always attracted numerous tourists with its beauty and grace. can i assume that in general... food lived here. guy, hello, this is like a white nest, found in the hollow of a tree, and our tree is like a tree surrounded by forests, and magic from the word came from the geta, well , there are yashche, yashche different, that’s how simple it is. which version do you like best? well, padabaezza, there you go. it would be necessary if there was a lump there, if any magli would dive and seize the hell of the enemy, the hell of the dog, the hell of the