area a little mogadishu and one person who knows this place very well as mana walters she was born in somalia and fled to sweden as a refugee in ninety nine before she converted to christianity and has made it her mission to expose for goes on behind closed doors here. i was talking about my experience and what i counted in the suburban in the mosque orders have been in there were some women who who complained. about there has been to marry him in secret with other women. and when they complain the e-mails say no you should not complain because our law allows a lot means god allows a lot of us to him to have a four way if we have a two other sisters and that this ok because we need to produce money children we need to three times more than that incidentally in order to be montreal or to i want to with the swedish television is to take one day when they finally follow me there to ring q.b. and when they saw what was happening in one minute we walk and they ask me. and they come why do you know i tacky and and old men one of them young people all killed are you foreigner you want to cal