littlely tom lynn said the problem with the rat race is even if you win you are still a rat. the reason i quote this is last month, on your side of the podium, several times, the phrases worse of the worse and dirty to the dirty were used in describing fossil fuel investments. so even if you get rid of the dirty you are still investing in the dirty. even if it's the worst of the worst. divestment is a morally correct choice. i heard claims your board is the leader in the investment movement. others are quick to claim to the audience the environmental records. even one person proclaiming they're the biggest environmentalists the audience will meet. please step up, divest now and divest quickly. i heard you expressed concerns about your diversifying because of your fiduciary findings and the city was to divest, you would lose significant amounts of money. there are many people smarter than i am who have studies and arguments to the contrary. no proclaim to know the methodology known for each side. i heard what 99-point 9% of the people don't understand what you do heard. what i