now, the reason i get a littler irritated with that is because, you know, what plays into this conventional washington consensus view that we need more foreign direct investment when, in fact, the problem with infrastructure and especially power in india is simply a governance problem. i mean, let me make it very, very simple. you know, people don't pay for power in india. that's the bottom line. and if people could be persuaded to pay more, private investment, domestic and foreign, would come rushing in. and at the moment, you know, when foreign direct investment comes in, they need guarantees because people don't pay, and our state boards are badly run. we had the whole enron problem where the whole thing blew up because of all the problems. so i think it's, basically, a domestic governance and a political problem where, you know, the whole -- the notion that every politician of any stripe routinely the first thing he will promise when he gets elected is free or subsidized power. and the conundrum is this, that why is it that people buy this? because the history of this promise of free an