vatican ii expert and who was there and then father bob chigare, they gave us an understanding liturg liturgy, and what we were getting in the theology manuals wouldn't play after page three. what we did, new books were coming out from france, from all over, modern approach to theology. so with these men we were prepared for vatican ii even before they had it. >> so there were teachers in the seminaries who were trying to get around the black and white. >> exactly. >> yeah. >> exactly. that's where you grew in. >>> i loved it. on days off, norris gave us a bibliography of up to date books. i spent half my day off in the the library reading, i didn't want to make a bigger fool out of myself. i wanted people to be fascinated by what we're about, not drudge along, and say i'm going to be miserable. to see the larger picture. there was a part of it too i'm thinking as a layperson that you didn't have to wait for sunday to catch up. >> right. exactly. >> that might be an idea but that it can be in your life every day. >> exactly. exactly. >> and then you who are lay people are, number one, we're t