livara wasn't just another smuggler. he wasas romulan spy and didn't begin working in this sector until seven years ago, but seven years ago thrax wasn't on terok nor. you were, odo. odd contradictioion so i checked the date. this is seven years ago. thrax shouldn't be here. you should be the security chief. none of thisismakes. now, i suggest we concentrate on finding a way out of here. that's our priority. i tend to agree. well, you'll get no argument from m e but how? we need to contact the bajoran resistance. maybe even to the federation. kira once told me about a prearranged signal the resistance used on terok nor to set up a meeting. once we're finished here, we'll head back to the bajoran sector, and i'll make the signal. turn the vase over and the resistance appears. it's simple and effective. and they did it for years right under the cardassians' noses. not under my nose, captain. under his. at least dax is all right. look at him. the commander of terok nor. just another swaggering, self-important gul with too m