i've been livng in fear for 48 years. it's useless. i don't have the capacity of sensing fear. >> he was on a hunger strike that ended with the release of over 100 political prisoners and what will be their message to >> translator: i would like president obama to talk about human rights, freedom of expression, bipartisanship, talk about democracy and tolerance of diverse ideas. >> that is the message that the dissidents hope to be able to get to president obama. of course, they want to meet with him personally.. the administration has told us that administration is going to meet with the dissidents. it will be very interesting tomorrow to see i in fact president obama or who in his administration meets with the dissidents, but certainly that is their hope, that they can make a difference with these talks with the president. >> it definitely shall be interesting. >> for jackie nespral and i'm jawann strader. >>> thanks so much for your coverage. we'll check in with you at 5:00 for more. >>> such a fascinating thing happening out there.