patience my kooky livni who has terminal breast cancer. after every radiation treatments she's in great pain the key. i started my breasts will commence contestant. my body very very hot. it was unbearable. so much. the touching my skin put something on. when people were around. i need many painkillers are opiates wrong opium is made from the pond of opium poppies the dried use of the puppies used to make a number of drugs including and opium that is smoked. nisha police patrol bars and discos at night searching locals and tourists alike for drugs possession of even small amounts can land a person in prison for twelve years. drug dealers can expect life in prison or even the death penalty. now let's return back to the hospital. many people who take painkillers are called the more she missed in many parts of indonesia maybe you want doctors at three key to the state run hospital won't or can't prescribe pain killers for her. her husband finds that in comprehensible restored to the hospital she was examined for four days. and they told us th