the idea of creating these gardens belonged to prime minister lixianlong, 100 hectares of land covered, from africa. there are 226,000 of them in south america and asia. but you didn’t mention one thing, it seems to me, very important, which is getting used to singapore - this is singaporean cuisine, which is also multinational, multicultural, i have the impression that all the cuisines of the world, especially asian ones, gathered in singapore and mixed with each other. come to us to try singaporean cuisine, at the same time our residents also love it very much and miss it when they are away from home, i also really like singaporean cuisine, especially spicy malay food, but my doctor always reminds me to monitor my blood cholesterol levels, i will take your recommendation into account, i realized that singaporean cuisine requires you to follow a certain diet, so to speak. of course, singaporeans have a particularly rich selection of dishes on their tables during the holidays, and they like to celebrate holidays here, and they do it with publicity. we have muslim and christian holidays