. >> do you mean that he liz beth taylor set up a west coast buyer's club? >> talk about fearless in her home in belaire. it was a s house. it was illegal but she was saving lives. she said her business associates pleaded with her, leave this thiig alone shechlt. she received death threats but something that i love about elizabeth is her courage. >> is it true that she actually even sold her jewelry to nund operation? >> yes. she would sell jewelry. she would -- there transfers of money. sometimes it is like a painer erpaper bag and there is monday. >> today kathy who lives with her precious dogs conti liz's fight. >> was she scared she wover get caught? >> she thought she might but she wasn't afraid. she'd go to jail for it. no. elizabeth didn't fear, in the same sentence. fearless. >> fearlessness, courage, and compassion for people in need. that's what this issreally about. ricki lake took the words and made them her mission statement as she and four social media "treatment for all." the first documentary launched on facebook. >> yeah, i do the ugly cry m