liz: ten years. joining me democratic strategist daniel mclaughlin and chief conservative correspondent for the "nationaliew" deneen borelli. >> the economy had an enormous amount of impact. i don't think anyone could say with certainty she would have won on october 27th. google searches for fbi, she had very, very narrow leads in the swing states, she didn't visit enough and cost her the election. 77,000 votes. popular majority vote of 3 million. liz: most of those were in california. the question is, hillary clinton let it get that tight, right? it doesn't matter if it's three percentage point, four percentage points, it's the fact it got so tight because the american people didn't trust her. >> americans didn't trust her, right. hillary clinton lost the election because of hillary clinton. she didn't have the right message. people did not resonate with the message. no one told her to put the server in the basement. all of the things and the lies she told, my goodness. she had a lot of credibility issues, she lost the election because of herself. only on planet hillary can she blame others for losing t