amy: liza featherstone, you wrote a book on walmart.ased in arkansas and hillary clinton on the board of walmart for many years. your thoughts? >> she served on the board of walmart for many years and in fact she was brought on by the walton family because they were concerned about getting criticism most of this was very early days, years before the betty dukes lawsuit that i wrote about in which women sued walmart for sex discrimination. but they were concerned about getting criticism about the position of women in the company, so they brought her clinton on the board at the time she was first lady of arkansas. -- she did not really do anything to address the situation of women at the company, but more surprisingly to me, she hasn't in recent years ever said anything. when people ask her, and you have any comments is such a prominent woman claiming , runningcredentials for president of the united states, you have any comments about this company or you served on the board and the company was later the target of the largest sex discrimin