and liza johnson, who from the office of the coordination of humanitarian affairs, talking more widely about the situation in gaza. the attacks that have been happening both in gaza, but also in the west bank as well as the medical situation and the spread upon the weight of polio, which we've been getting reports about over the last few days in that guys and particularly, and efforts to try to solve that problem, i want to go to our corresponding gabriel, alexander. he's been listening to all of this life at the you and gave i was lining broadly there what we've been hearing. is there anything that you picked out that was particularly significant as well? a couple of things, but i think number one is you heard there from slovenia is ambassador to the un, and you got a sense there, a frustration. and i'll tell you why, let me give you one number that's 24. 24 is the number of times that the security council has met since october 7th, for emergency meetings, dealing with gossip 24 times. they have met on emergency meetings dealing with guys as since october 7th. that's a lot. where are