are talking about the news of the capital of the minsk region, with you on the live air of lizaveta lashkevich. good evening, dear asnovnyya padzei, in short. start of the semester practice. udzelniki studatradavskaga rukh pa tradytsyі ўsklaі kvetki da slyly minsk city hero. it's time to collect water from the waterways near the city, and the harvesting season is beginning, and water harvesters are available to specialists. and not only the look, but also the screen. with the hands of the exhibition the texture of life in the pushkin library, fantastic worlds are visual and tactile. pratsounae summer 20-24, september 2020, the beginning of the training course of the semester will help students from all the universities of minsk . for the skin of the village, the traditional action of this yashche and magchymastsya know the minds. creation of arygian projects. this year , since the ancestral city of the krasnoyarsk city, we have added this memory to the people of peramozha during the great patriotic war. dastaly minsk, city to the hero, gonar 80 godze caused our country to hell with the german-