if ttis - pas llbeled grouuer, could you tell it's catfish??fruit juicess.." some cases, pommgranate juice has been pfund to be nothing ore thann water, citriccacii anddred food coloring.""sometimes juice is labeled aa fresh squeezed, when it's really made from concentrate." olive oil... "experts say 65 percent of extra virgin olive oil tested at the rocery store is actually diluted wiih lower & prade oils." "consumersshave flavor, these off flavors that reflect the defects you find in bad olive oil."and honey... "we now have he problem oo honee laundering."that's right, oney launddring. ..where honey from countries -3 with trade embargges is shipped througg approvee coontries then seet to hee united ssates. expired infant -3 ffrmuua and wine areealso on the ist f fake or mislabeled products. they gotta right - thh wrong, they're lying to uss you know, that's not right." "i think thee hould label so a consumer can come what they're buying." costs he u-s 0-15 billion dollars a yyar. aad counterfeittrs rake in the cass. "i think question comes pown to enforcemen