i am llewellyn king, the host of "white house chronicle." i am talking to bill gouse, an expert on transportation. we are focusing primarily on trucks today because the trucks in our future, trucks and our presence -- and i shall be dodging a few as i drive home tonight -- you can also see this program around the world on english-language stations of voice of america. i would like to do a special shout bkat, channel 12, in renton, washington. we are so glad you're with us. back to trucks. what about the romance of driving trucks? when i was a young fellow, everyone said drive a truck, you make tons of money and you see the world. now i hear that people have kidney trouble, they are cramped, they have terrible frustration from traffic, and there are strings goings on, including drivers in prostitution at truck stops. >> there is some of that everywhere in every industry, and i think trucking has its roots back to sort of the romance of being barge operator where you did not have your boss looking down your shoulder every day, and your horse,