beautiful movement and you have national leaders, people like werth mcfarland who nationally helped preserve niagara falls and yosemite and myra lloyd. who work nationally with the forest service to preserve our forests, they have all settled in harrisburg and they as part of what they do, have established a beautification effort and a press effort called mcfarland press. one of the things that lloyd mcfarland does, he pioneered color printing in the 20th century, just as the mouthpiece does in the 20th century and this may not seem like much today when digital photography you can get this beautiful clear colored but in 1900s, getting the right color when you weredoing the book of safe roses of the world , that's important. and mcfarland had a rose garden that was internationally renowned. what he did was first, he sent out his own artists to go out and think the flowers. had examples of some original paintings that were made, getting the pigments just right area after his artists would paint the flowers and i'llshow you a picture. this is a picture of his rose garden . right here in harrisburg, in bellevue park. after the time of h