according to reports, this little boy is 4-year-old lloyd smith. apparently he fell asleep and when they got to the schoolyard, he went unnoticed by both the bus driver and a bus aide, and at the point this video picks up, he had already been on this bus for six full minutes before he awoke and then you see him looking around and even more heartbreaking, this is a special needs student. >> eventually you see the repair man coming in to install seat belts. he tries to have a conversation with the little boy and this little boy is in special needs classes due to speech impairment and can't tell this story himself, but the worker continues to install the seat belts with the little boy still on the bus. he finishes the job, walks off the bus, goes to get help and here is someone from the school. you can only imagine how hot it must have been inside of this bus. >> our friends at abc 15 spoke to floyd's mom. >> what's going on? what's happened? how did he get missed? why didn't he get off the bus? >> floyd's mom said she did get a call from the school a