he wrote, a soldier of our battery named lloyd whitmore from oregon decided he had enough.ed against a tree and put the muzzle of oh his rifle under his chin, pulled the trigger. his brains scattered on the ground. his reason, near as we could find out was uh he had a venereal disease. he was under arrest and was in the isolation squad at the battery. he manualed he was getting worse. ÷ the trouble he had gotten into. he decided to stay in france. the most bitter memory was not of the war but of the em bar indication camp where they spent weeks waiting to leave france after the war ended. the condition were miserable and the treatment of u.s. troops so poor he called it a death camp. by february 1919, more than 3300 u.s. troops died and were buried there. he wrote to his paper. germanumk prisoners were never treated so brutally as the american soldiers are treat ed.z we had men die of pneumonia by the hundreds each week. when he returned to the states he scratched out a poem which described the most hellish moment as the time spent waiting to go homement we have killed a m