Mar 1, 2025
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los cortes de todo lo que quieran hacer. momento. imagínese estar tranquilamente poniendo gasolina en su carro y que de pronto llega un hombre y se lo robe. eso precisamente ocurrió en el bronx, donde la víctima terminó con múltiples golpes. la policía dijo que el sospechoso, quien vestía una sudadera roja con capucha, golpeó varias veces a la víctima en la cara antes de tomar las llaves y marcharse con su coche. pues abrid bien los ojos porque vamos a conocer hoy. la nueva tendencia. se llama bebé reborn. es una terapia. dicen que están haciendo algunas parejas ante la imposibilidad de ser padres de manera convencional. sí, bueno. de qué se trata el bebé reborn? es un muñeco muy similar a un bebé real en cuanto a tamaño y también a peso. césar los protagonistas de hoy lo mandaron a hacer en canadá con inteligencia artificial para que se parezca a ellos. veamos. Él es batman, el bebé reborn de alejandra y jaime, un muñeco hiperrealista hecho con inteligencia artificial en base a las fotografías de sus padres cuando eran bebé
los cortes de todo lo que quieran hacer. momento. imagínese estar tranquilamente poniendo gasolina en su carro y que de pronto llega un hombre y se lo robe. eso precisamente ocurrió en el bronx, donde la víctima terminó con múltiples golpes. la policía dijo que el sospechoso, quien vestía una sudadera roja con capucha, golpeó varias veces a la víctima en la cara antes de tomar las llaves y marcharse con su coche. pues abrid bien los ojos porque vamos a conocer hoy. la nueva tendencia....
Mar 2, 2025
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tiene usted los detalles para que los copie? que está detrás de mí justamente son esos diseños que el día de hoy han presentado. esto es un proyecto entre calfire acá en california, junto a texas tree foundation y el distrito escolar unificado de washington. qué es lo que busca? bueno, traformar esos espacios al aire libre, donde en su mayoría hay cemento y convertirlos en espacios verdes. esto lo harán con la plantación de árboles y otros materiales que le permiten a los estudiantes estar en contacto con la naturaleza. hoy, de hecho, se inició el proyecto con la plantación de varios árboles y continuará el verano en 4 escuelas de west sacramento y woodland, de acuerdo a texas tree foundation, este proyecto ha sido una inversión de más de 20 millones de dólares gracias a calfire. vamos a escuchar lo que nos decía la vocera de texas foundation sobre la importancia de estos espacios dentro del campus escolar. ellos necesitan tener un espacio en el aire libre. ellos necesitan estar como cerca de la naturaleza. dicen que como 20 min
tiene usted los detalles para que los copie? que está detrás de mí justamente son esos diseños que el día de hoy han presentado. esto es un proyecto entre calfire acá en california, junto a texas tree foundation y el distrito escolar unificado de washington. qué es lo que busca? bueno, traformar esos espacios al aire libre, donde en su mayoría hay cemento y convertirlos en espacios verdes. esto lo harán con la plantación de árboles y otros materiales que le permiten a los estudiantes...
Mar 1, 2025
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lo que vas a hacer es agarrar el papel aluminio, lo doble y ahora ponlo entre tus manos, lo vas a ponerpezÓ a salir humo y estaba empezando a quemar las manos. >> suÉltalo y lo soltÉ y lo pusimos otra vez y lo abriÓ las cuatro parte, mira lo que halle, es negro, es tierra y alguien te estÁ haciendo mucho mal, tenÍa pedacitos negros. necesita tratamiento y eso te lo puedo dar, tratamiento que son tres sesiones que tienes que asistir y te va a costar $400. >> tienen todo tipos de estatuillas religiosas, sobre todo de la religiÓn catÓlica. >> el seÑor es como la fe catÓlica y se inclina mÁs a lo cristiano. >> los supuestos ritos catÓlicos no son parte de la fe y su origen puede ser mÁs quÍmica que espiritual. >> va en contra de nuestra fe y de nuestra creencia catÓlica y el Único camino para poder solucionar tus problemas siempre es encontrar aquÍ en la casa del seÑor. >> los mÉtodos pueden influir en los que buscan ayuda. las personas pueden ser persuadidas por factores emocionales. >> no le dan rutas de escape, estÁn arrinconÁndolos para que hagan esta decisiÓn que Él nos beneficia a ell
lo que vas a hacer es agarrar el papel aluminio, lo doble y ahora ponlo entre tus manos, lo vas a ponerpezÓ a salir humo y estaba empezando a quemar las manos. >> suÉltalo y lo soltÉ y lo pusimos otra vez y lo abriÓ las cuatro parte, mira lo que halle, es negro, es tierra y alguien te estÁ haciendo mucho mal, tenÍa pedacitos negros. necesita tratamiento y eso te lo puedo dar, tratamiento que son tres sesiones que tienes que asistir y te va a costar $400. >> tienen todo tipos...
Mar 1, 2025
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no lo creo, pero lo veremos.e ser los primeros en llevarse el nuevo jersey de local o visitante a casa. si no los ha visto los puede checar en nuestras redes sociales 48. el evento también cuenta con un enlace de registro disponible en la página oficial del bfc. y hablando de uniformes, los oakland roots presentaron sus uniformes para la temporada 2025. el del local es el mismo del año pasado, pero con el decidieron hacerle un homenaje a su nueva casa, el oakland coliseum, utilizando los colores originales de los oakland a's en 1968. la tela cuenta con 2 detalles muy interesantes también. el primero está en la parte del pecho, donde tiene un patrón a modo de raíces. lo estamos viendo en pantalla haciendo alusión a la bandera de la ciudad y al nombre del equipo, mientras que en la parte baja de la camiseta está un bordado del coliseo. les recuerdo que los oakland roots debutan en su antigua. en la casa antigua de los a's, el 22 de marzo. y nosotros, por supuesto, como siempre, ya la tenemos así, recién salida de l
no lo creo, pero lo veremos.e ser los primeros en llevarse el nuevo jersey de local o visitante a casa. si no los ha visto los puede checar en nuestras redes sociales 48. el evento también cuenta con un enlace de registro disponible en la página oficial del bfc. y hablando de uniformes, los oakland roots presentaron sus uniformes para la temporada 2025. el del local es el mismo del año pasado, pero con el decidieron hacerle un homenaje a su nueva casa, el oakland coliseum, utilizando los...
Mar 2, 2025
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los mensajes indicaban y los voy a leer literalmente.agua. se informó también del rescate de un grupo de surfistas debido al oleaje. y con esto vamos a aprovechar para pasar contigo nuestro experto en temas meteorológicos. y ahora te vamos a hacer experto también en las olas. marcelo. cuéntanos. bueno, césar, amigos televidentes. el oleaje continúa fuerte y peligroso. y de hecho, tenemos una advertencia por alto oleaje que comenzó hoy y se extiende hasta el lunes en la noche a las 21:00 de la noche. y básicamente incluye toda la costa desde el norte de nuestro estado hasta la región sur, por ese fuerte oleaje que de hecho actualmente se encuentra de esta forma entre los 12 o 15 pies de altura. fíjese que hacia la zona de san francisco, pues un poquito menos en los 10, pero en los próximos días va a continuar bastante alto. precisamente van a estar olas durante esta noche, mañana domingo y el lunes, que estarían entre los 14 y los 20 pies. así que por eso se le pide a la ciudadanía que ejerza mucha, pero queucha precaución y que sobre tod
los mensajes indicaban y los voy a leer literalmente.agua. se informó también del rescate de un grupo de surfistas debido al oleaje. y con esto vamos a aprovechar para pasar contigo nuestro experto en temas meteorológicos. y ahora te vamos a hacer experto también en las olas. marcelo. cuéntanos. bueno, césar, amigos televidentes. el oleaje continúa fuerte y peligroso. y de hecho, tenemos una advertencia por alto oleaje que comenzó hoy y se extiende hasta el lunes en la noche a las 21:00...
Mar 1, 2025
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en "primer impacto", los esperamos. durÓ vecinos y activistas pro inmigrantes frustran un operativo de ice el fbi en los Ángeles. este grupo de voluntarios se organiza en la ciudad santuario para proteger a los inmigrantes indocumentados. el presidente ucrania se pronuncia tras el tenso cara cara con las cÁmaras con el presidente donald trump y afirma que no? por quÉ disculparse y el secretario de estado tambiÉn comentÓ de la reuniÓn y bajo estrictas medidas de seguridad, se presenta una corte de nueva york rafael caro quintero y vicente carrillo fuentes, y le decimos quÉ sigue ahora para ellos y los otros narcotraficantes que son enviados a estados unidos y empeora la salud del papa francisco tras un incidente respiratorio y las prÓximas horas serÁn claves para mejorar las secuelas que pueda haber y el conductor de un autobÚs escolar se convierte en hÉroe a rescatar a los niÑos de las llamas que se desataron en el vehÍculo. presentador: este es noticiero univisiÓn ediciÓn nocturna con elia zidane. elian: agentes de ice
en "primer impacto", los esperamos. durÓ vecinos y activistas pro inmigrantes frustran un operativo de ice el fbi en los Ángeles. este grupo de voluntarios se organiza en la ciudad santuario para proteger a los inmigrantes indocumentados. el presidente ucrania se pronuncia tras el tenso cara cara con las cÁmaras con el presidente donald trump y afirma que no? por quÉ disculparse y el secretario de estado tambiÉn comentÓ de la reuniÓn y bajo estrictas medidas de seguridad, se...
Mar 2, 2025
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entre los empleados que rÚnen los requisitos se incluyen los que han trabajado para el gobierno federalrimenÓ una leve mejoÍa en las Últias horas, luego del cuadro respiratorio agudo que presenÓ... Ún sigue ingresado en el hospital gemelli de roma y su estado de salud sigue siendo reservado, seÚn los medicos que lo atienden... pasamos con maÍa antonieta collins con lo Ás reciente... citigroup cometÓ un costoso error, el pasado abril, cometÓ un costoso error, el pasado abril, al abonar en la cuenta de un cliente 81 "billones" de Ólares, en lugar de 280 Ólares... pero Ápidamente se revirtÓ la transaccÓn.... al principio, dos empleados pasaron por alto la transferencia masiva... pero otro funcionario se dio cuenta 90 minutos despÉs de que se procesara el pago... interesante seria saber que cara le quedo al titular de la cuenta al ver el saldo... estas iÁgenes son de un avÓ de carga de fedex al que se le incendio un motor en el aire este Ábado, mientras volaba hacia el aeropuerto internacional newark liberty... por lo que regreÓ de emergencia... seÚn un comunicado de la administracÓn fedral
entre los empleados que rÚnen los requisitos se incluyen los que han trabajado para el gobierno federalrimenÓ una leve mejoÍa en las Últias horas, luego del cuadro respiratorio agudo que presenÓ... Ún sigue ingresado en el hospital gemelli de roma y su estado de salud sigue siendo reservado, seÚn los medicos que lo atienden... pasamos con maÍa antonieta collins con lo Ás reciente... citigroup cometÓ un costoso error, el pasado abril, cometÓ un costoso error, el pasado abril, al...
Mar 1, 2025
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bueno, a los chicos. 65 millones de años, nada más. oye, los niños les encantan los dinosaurios.os niños se involucran mucho con los dinosaurios. a veces, cuando están muy chiquitos. cuando estas exposiciones sí son más sorprendentes porque lo ves en libros y ya verlo de tamaño natural no es lo mismo, verdad? pero parece increíble pensar que en algún momento existieron aquí donde estamos nosotros. increíble. y parece increíble que todavía los humanos estamos aquí también. también parece increíble, pero tranquilo, quizás es mira hacia arriba. esta noche noticias telemundo. trump acusa al presidente de ucrania zelenski de jugar con la tercera guerra mundial y de ser un desagradecido. en una reuniÓn en la casa blanca. aquÍ le explicamos las. esperar 40 aÑos por su extradiciÓn desde mÉxico. finalmente, rafael caro quintero, fundador del cÁrtel de guadalajara y responsable de la muerte del agente de la dea, kiki camarena, se presenta ante un juez en una corte de nueva york para responder por sus crÍmenes. una jovencita que tiene cÁncer de huesos esta noche vive una verdadera pesadilla
bueno, a los chicos. 65 millones de años, nada más. oye, los niños les encantan los dinosaurios.os niños se involucran mucho con los dinosaurios. a veces, cuando están muy chiquitos. cuando estas exposiciones sí son más sorprendentes porque lo ves en libros y ya verlo de tamaño natural no es lo mismo, verdad? pero parece increíble pensar que en algún momento existieron aquí donde estamos nosotros. increíble. y parece increíble que todavía los humanos estamos aquí también....
Mar 2, 2025
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los manifestante denuncian que los agentes de ice violan los derechos humanos interrumpiendo en los hogaresas migratorias, expertos hacen un llamado a los migrantes que estÉn en un proceso migratorio a tener mucho cuidado con tres delitos que los ubicarÍa en la lÍnea de deportaciÓn. [habla en inglÉs]
los manifestante denuncian que los agentes de ice violan los derechos humanos interrumpiendo en los hogaresas migratorias, expertos hacen un llamado a los migrantes que estÉn en un proceso migratorio a tener mucho cuidado con tres delitos que los ubicarÍa en la lÍnea de deportaciÓn. [habla en inglÉs]
Mar 1, 2025
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con los demás, no tanto. solo mira los facts. pero para tu ropa...ose guys, verdad? estamos totalmente contigo. get the facts, y cámbiate a total wireless. ♪febreze♪ hola! yo uso febreze fade defy plug. y yo uso esto. el microchip de febreze controla la fragrancia para que disfrutes 50 días* con la frescura del primer uso. ¿¡50 días?! y nunca te quedarás sin frescuras gracias a su luz que te recuerda rellenarlo. febreze plug. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ elian: las dos del, francisco en pero hoy cuando sufriÓ una crisis respiratoria y los mÉdicos dicen que hay que esperar entre 24 a 38 horas para ver las consecuencias de lo que se considera un cuadro complejo de salud. >> cuando una pena tenÍa una aspiraciÓn por el vÓmito, esto podrÍa o ocasionar otra neumonÍa que puede requerir ventilaciÓn artificial, por lo cual debe poner un tubo por los bronquios para ayudar a respirar y ahorita es muy prematuro para decir esto y es puesto que han dicho que quieren esperar entre 48 a 72 horas para ver cÓmo reacciona a esta ventilaciÓn y esperamos que sea bien. elian: el papa francisc
con los demás, no tanto. solo mira los facts. pero para tu ropa...ose guys, verdad? estamos totalmente contigo. get the facts, y cámbiate a total wireless. ♪febreze♪ hola! yo uso febreze fade defy plug. y yo uso esto. el microchip de febreze controla la fragrancia para que disfrutes 50 días* con la frescura del primer uso. ¿¡50 días?! y nunca te quedarás sin frescuras gracias a su luz que te recuerda rellenarlo. febreze plug. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ elian: las dos del, francisco en pero hoy...
Mar 1, 2025
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en los 70 elk grove en los 67 un poco más fresco. vea stockton 68 modesto en los 70.to se puede aplazar. seguiremos monitoreando las condiciones, pero también si piensa tiene planes de ir a la sierra? vea, ya tenemos esa tormenta invernal nuevamente a lo largo de la sierra. va a ser emitida también el sábado a las 22:00 de la noche y terminaría el lunes a las 16:00 de la tarde. vea el pronóstico de lluvia muy muy bajo para este fin de semana en san francisco. pero el martes y el miércoles entre 46% fin de semana en san josé, 64 el sábado 56 el el la máxima mínima de 47 lluvias durante todo el día. san francisco sábado 56 mínima de 49 vientos para el domingo en los 56. mínima de 47 y vemos la próxima semana en los bajos 60. así, las condiciones hasta el momento. regreso con ustedes. gaby. gracias. ahora, una pregunta. ha recibido usted un mensaje de texto notificándole que debe dinero por haber pasado por peajes en carreteras? bueno, no es el único. y tenga mucho cuidado, porque esto podría ser una estafa. arlen fernández nos dice qué hacer para que usted no se convier
en los 70 elk grove en los 67 un poco más fresco. vea stockton 68 modesto en los 70.to se puede aplazar. seguiremos monitoreando las condiciones, pero también si piensa tiene planes de ir a la sierra? vea, ya tenemos esa tormenta invernal nuevamente a lo largo de la sierra. va a ser emitida también el sábado a las 22:00 de la noche y terminaría el lunes a las 16:00 de la tarde. vea el pronóstico de lluvia muy muy bajo para este fin de semana en san francisco. pero el martes y el...
Mar 1, 2025
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se lo contamos más.turas. durante este fin de semana le tengo el pronóstico de en la junta escolar de martínez fue removida semanas después de su nombramiento. sí, exactamente. padres y maestros reunieron firmas para exigir una elección especial en lugar de su designación. ayala, quien ya había asumido el cargo y participado en reuniones, cuestiona el gasto de 65.000 $ en la elección. mientras que el distrito enfrenta recortes millonarios. me quitaron mi puesto. sentí decepción porque no pensé que esto se iba a realizar. falta nomás un año y medio y luego otra elección. entonces, para qué gastar 65.000 $ si ya tienen? si ya vamos a cortar casi 2 millones de dólares para la escuela. sus opositores argumentan que se necesita alguien con más experiencia en el aula. ahora los votantes decidirán quién va a ocupar el puesto. en medio de un debate sobre representación y gastos escolares. hoy, los miembros del sindicato upr de la universidad de california se unieron a su tercera y última jornada de huelga. aprox
se lo contamos más.turas. durante este fin de semana le tengo el pronóstico de en la junta escolar de martínez fue removida semanas después de su nombramiento. sí, exactamente. padres y maestros reunieron firmas para exigir una elección especial en lugar de su designación. ayala, quien ya había asumido el cargo y participado en reuniones, cuestiona el gasto de 65.000 $ en la elección. mientras que el distrito enfrenta recortes millonarios. me quitaron mi puesto. sentí decepción...
Mar 1, 2025
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lo importante es saber de dónde venimos. hoy día lo hemos hablado mucho también. sí, sí, sí., verdad? bien por eso. exactamente. bueno, ahora. noticias telemundo con julio vaqueiro. nos vemos. >> esta tarde en noticias telemundo sin precedentes, una reuniÓn explosiva en la oficina oval. >> cards right now with us you start having. playing cards. >> en pÚblico con las cÁmaras encendidas, el presidente trump alza la voz al presidente de ucrania. volodymyr zelensky le reprocha que haya sido irrespetuoso y lo acusa de estar jugando con una tercera guerra mundial. el enfrentamiento deja un futuro incierto para ucrania. ademÁs, el departamento de justicia anuncia que buscarÁ la pena de muerte para rafael caro quintero, despuÉs de 40 aÑos perseguido por la justicia en estados unidos, el narcotraficante finalmente se presenta en una corte de nueva york. por primera vez en 250 aÑos. el inglÉs serÁ el idioma oficial de estados unidos. quÉ significa para las millones de personas que viven aquÍ pero que solo hablan espaÑol? el papa francisco sufre un ataque respiratorio que agrava de nue
lo importante es saber de dónde venimos. hoy día lo hemos hablado mucho también. sí, sí, sí., verdad? bien por eso. exactamente. bueno, ahora. noticias telemundo con julio vaqueiro. nos vemos. >> esta tarde en noticias telemundo sin precedentes, una reuniÓn explosiva en la oficina oval. >> cards right now with us you start having. playing cards. >> en pÚblico con las cÁmaras encendidas, el presidente trump alza la voz al presidente de ucrania. volodymyr zelensky le...
Mar 2, 2025
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entre los empleados que reÚna los requisitos de inclusiÓn lo que han trabajado por el gobierno federal
entre los empleados que reÚna los requisitos de inclusiÓn lo que han trabajado por el gobierno federal
Mar 1, 2025
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los manifestante denuncian que los agentes de ice violan los derechos humanos interrumpiendo en los hogaresedimiento. todas las personas migrantes tienen derecho en este paÍs. reportera: este cambio de postura refleja el impacto de la polÍticas migratorias. esta protesta, de acuerdo a los activistas, es un clamor de justicia ante la incertidumbre que viven miles de indocumentados que se pregunta hasta cuÁndo terminarÁ esta pesadilla? fÉlix: tras el endurecimiento de las polÍticas migratorias, expertos hacen un llamado a los migrantes que estÉn en un proceso migratorio a tener mucho cuidado con tres delitos que los ubicarÍa en la lÍnea de deportaciÓn. [habla en inglÉs] reportero: el momento en que las medida de migraciÓn se hacen mÁs estrictas, expertos dicen que hay que tener mÁs cuidado. tienen que estar muy cuidadoso sobre tres crÍmenes. aunque la lista de crÍmenes son larga, estos son los mÁs graves. es difÍcil lograr un perdÓn para aquella persona que haya cometido uno de ellos. violencia domÉstica, manejar bajo la influencia (dui), robo entienda, cualquier migrante y documentado y que
los manifestante denuncian que los agentes de ice violan los derechos humanos interrumpiendo en los hogaresedimiento. todas las personas migrantes tienen derecho en este paÍs. reportera: este cambio de postura refleja el impacto de la polÍticas migratorias. esta protesta, de acuerdo a los activistas, es un clamor de justicia ante la incertidumbre que viven miles de indocumentados que se pregunta hasta cuÁndo terminarÁ esta pesadilla? fÉlix: tras el endurecimiento de las polÍticas...
Mar 1, 2025
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voltea a ver a los familiares.la en inglÉs] >> el casos como estos, personales y daÑos, la fiscalÍa le puede aplicar circunstancias especiales para dar un castigo mÁs en algo sabÍas de caso es el convicto killian enfrentarÍa cadena perpetua sin posibilidad de pena de muerte ni libertad condicional. >> no vamos estar en paz hasta que se la justicia para que ellos descansen en paz. >> la abogada defensora busca presentar una mociÓn para alegar esta corte el 11 de abril. >> gracias . un ex pastor de richmond, hernÁndez, fue sentenciado a siete aÑos de cÁrcel por abusar sexualmente de una menor en varias ocasiones. el depredador deberÁ pagar $100,000 a la familia y quedar registrado como ofensor sexual de por vida. el padre gran estima cuya hija tenÍa 14 durante los abusos dijo que la sentencia es insuficiente. cientos de personas caminaron hasta una de las oficinas de tesla para llevarle un mensaje a musk y ha sido seÑalado por su influencia decisiones gubernamentales que han llevado un despido masivo de empleados fed
voltea a ver a los familiares.la en inglÉs] >> el casos como estos, personales y daÑos, la fiscalÍa le puede aplicar circunstancias especiales para dar un castigo mÁs en algo sabÍas de caso es el convicto killian enfrentarÍa cadena perpetua sin posibilidad de pena de muerte ni libertad condicional. >> no vamos estar en paz hasta que se la justicia para que ellos descansen en paz. >> la abogada defensora busca presentar una mociÓn para alegar esta corte el 11 de abril....
Mar 2, 2025
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teme lo peor ?le, porque podria perder hasta mi vida, porque alla esta el abusador. >> como virginia, segun ice, hay cerca de 1.4 millones de indocumentados en estados unidos con ordenes de deportacion.>> si fueran un poquito mas empaticos ante esta situacion, porque todos venimos aqui a este pais con un sueno, somos gente trabajadora. >> johana suarez noticias, telemundo. >> y bueno, en mas de este tema , abogados de derechos civiles demandaron al gobierno del presidente donald trump. ellos quieren evitar que se transfiera a guantanamo a diez migrantes detenidos en el pais. el grupo lo conforman siete venezolanos y la demanda argumenta que la ley federal de inmigracion prohibe la transferencia de inmigrantes no cubanos de estados unidos a guantanamo. tambien que es la primera vez que el gobierno detiene alli a no ciudadanos estadounidenses por cargos de inmigracion civil. el presidente donald trump firmo este sabado otra ronda de ordenes ejecutivas. entre ellas designo el ingles como lengua oficial
teme lo peor ?le, porque podria perder hasta mi vida, porque alla esta el abusador. >> como virginia, segun ice, hay cerca de 1.4 millones de indocumentados en estados unidos con ordenes de deportacion.>> si fueran un poquito mas empaticos ante esta situacion, porque todos venimos aqui a este pais con un sueno, somos gente trabajadora. >> johana suarez noticias, telemundo. >> y bueno, en mas de este tema , abogados de derechos civiles demandaron al gobierno del...
Mar 2, 2025
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salvador chávez: sí, lo que vemos es que los, los latinos, pues están muy desconfiados, pero lo que hemosabrir una cuenta, y es muy difícil, por eso están muy desconfiados, y se les hace muy difícil para abrir esa cuenta, pero con nosotros, es una cuenta asegurada por fdic, y solo con una matrícula, como le digo, pueden abrir la cuenta, y tener acceso a ese dinero, pueden usar la tarjeta en cualquier tienda que acepta mastercard, que son todas las tiendas, y también pueden retirar dinero en efectivo del cajero automático. damián trujillo: y entonces, para mandar dinero hacia méxico, digamos, ¿qué es lo que se requiere, que necesito hacer con "prósperos"? salvador chávez: pues es, hacemos algo muy diferente; primeramente, es gratis la remesa, y lo que hacemos es, le damos una segunda tarjeta al cliente, aquí en los estados unidos, ellos envían esa tarjeta a su ser querido en méxico o latinoamérica, y con el app móvil que tiene de "prósperos", el cliente puede enviar dinero a su familia, en segundos llega el dinero, llega un mensaje de whatsapp, y llega a la tarjeta que tiene la familia, y
salvador chávez: sí, lo que vemos es que los, los latinos, pues están muy desconfiados, pero lo que hemosabrir una cuenta, y es muy difícil, por eso están muy desconfiados, y se les hace muy difícil para abrir esa cuenta, pero con nosotros, es una cuenta asegurada por fdic, y solo con una matrícula, como le digo, pueden abrir la cuenta, y tener acceso a ese dinero, pueden usar la tarjeta en cualquier tienda que acepta mastercard, que son todas las tiendas, y también pueden retirar...
Mar 1, 2025
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de casi 24 horas de su traslado a los estados unidos, los narcotraficantes se declararon no culpablesntra y la fiscalÍa dijo que va a buscar la pena de muerte para ambos. >> entre mÁs agentes de la beata y el llamado narco de narcos rafael caro quintero se presente una corte federal de nueva york, luciendo cansado, el fundador del cartel de guadalajara y el exlÍder de sinaloa se declarÓ no culpable de cargos de narcotrÁfico y en un dÍa considerado histÓrico y era declarado por la tortura y el asesinato del agente de la beata en 1985. no puedes matar a un agente de la vega y salir impune, dijo el fiscal la serie de netflix fue expulsado de mÉxico, refiriÉndose al trazado de mÁs de dos docenas del miembro de crimen organizado desde ese paÍs y llevaron las esposas que le pertenecer segÚn la fiscalÍa y la familia de la gente de que tenÍan la esperanza de que este dÍa llegara y agradecerÁn el presidente donald trump. >> toda mi vida quise eliminar a todos los que mataron a camarena, le dieron una muerte tremenda, lo mataron a golpes. un encorvado ex fundador del cartel de juÁrez y hermano
de casi 24 horas de su traslado a los estados unidos, los narcotraficantes se declararon no culpablesntra y la fiscalÍa dijo que va a buscar la pena de muerte para ambos. >> entre mÁs agentes de la beata y el llamado narco de narcos rafael caro quintero se presente una corte federal de nueva york, luciendo cansado, el fundador del cartel de guadalajara y el exlÍder de sinaloa se declarÓ no culpable de cargos de narcotrÁfico y en un dÍa considerado histÓrico y era declarado por la...
Mar 2, 2025
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niÑos aprenden los unos de los otros y se dan cuenta que es mucho mÁs lo que los une y tambiÉn dondemos una gran explosión y lo vi tirado en el suelo. julio: este padre amoroso, el corazón de la granja, murió quemado. - decían que no fue un accidente. - creímos que fue una bomba de tubo.
niÑos aprenden los unos de los otros y se dan cuenta que es mucho mÁs lo que los une y tambiÉn dondemos una gran explosión y lo vi tirado en el suelo. julio: este padre amoroso, el corazón de la granja, murió quemado. - decían que no fue un accidente. - creímos que fue una bomba de tubo.
Mar 2, 2025
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as los angeles gears up for the 97th academy awards. but this year, oscars weekend feels different.ent business still reeling from the devastating wildfires that ravaged swaths of l.a. >> everything is gone pay >> bj and adrian mcdonald lost their home in malibu which had been in bj's family for generations. >> people look at the palisades and think that these rich millionaires and actors, there's a lot of people thatt t? >> we haven't had a chance to have generational homes that live here and we are all union workers. we work paycheck to paycheck . the couple have worked behind the scenes in films for years and they have mixed feelings about this weekend. >> tomorrow is the oscars. how are you feeling about that? >> we haven't had a chance to digest it. >> the academy face the delicate task, celebrating hollywood while being sensitive to the overwhelming loss. it did say shortly after the fires that it planned to honor front-line workers and recognize those impacted. last month, the grammys pulled off a similar balancing act. >> thank you for supporting all of us and recognizing th
as los angeles gears up for the 97th academy awards. but this year, oscars weekend feels different.ent business still reeling from the devastating wildfires that ravaged swaths of l.a. >> everything is gone pay >> bj and adrian mcdonald lost their home in malibu which had been in bj's family for generations. >> people look at the palisades and think that these rich millionaires and actors, there's a lot of people thatt t? >> we haven't had a chance to have generational...
Mar 1, 2025
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lo right you can get a ceasefire, you want to go i and...and... lo right now, i tell you ceasefire right now, i tell you that— ceasefire right now, i tell you that you _ ceasefire right now, i tell you that you would _ ceasefire right now, i tell you that you would take - ceasefire right now, i tell you that you would take it - ceasefire right now, i tell you that you would take it so - ceasefire right now, i tell you that you would take it so thati stop getting killed. your men stop getting killed. of course _ your men stop getting killed. of course who _ your men stop getting killed. of course who want - your men stop getting killed. of course who want to - your men stop getting killed. of course who want to stop l your men stop getting killed. of ci butt who want to stop l your men stop getting killed. of ci but iwho want to stop l your men stop getting killed. of ci but i said want to stop l your men stop getting killed. of ci but i said to nt to stop l your men stop getting killed. of ci but i said to you, stop. your men stop getting ki
lo right you can get a ceasefire, you want to go i and...and... lo right now, i tell you ceasefire right now, i tell you that— ceasefire right now, i tell you that you _ ceasefire right now, i tell you that you would _ ceasefire right now, i tell you that you would take - ceasefire right now, i tell you that you would take it - ceasefire right now, i tell you that you would take it so - ceasefire right now, i tell you that you would take it so thati stop getting killed. your men stop getting...
Mar 2, 2025
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the 97th academy awards will be handed out in los angeles.the oscars typically feature all the glamor that we expect, and the surprise moments that come with live tv. cnn's elizabeth wagmeister spoke one on one with the head of the academy for a look at what to expect tonight. >> from the will. >> smith slap. >> there's a mistake. moonlight. >> you guys won. >> best. >> picture. >> to the envelope. mix up. >> the oscars are no stranger to. >> unexpected drama. >> the only laugh. >> that man will ever get in his life is by stripping off and showing his shortcomings. >> you've had. >> some wild. >> and crazy moments. >> especially in. recent years. >> that's right. >> it's safe to say. academy ceo bill kramer hopes the drama comes from the oscar races themselves. >> they're going to be. >> incredible surprises on the show this year. as always, an amazing celebration of cinema. >> i'm the king of the world. >> we caught up with kramer as he helped plan this year's show on the heels of los angeles devastating wildfires. >> we'll be celebrating ou
the 97th academy awards will be handed out in los angeles.the oscars typically feature all the glamor that we expect, and the surprise moments that come with live tv. cnn's elizabeth wagmeister spoke one on one with the head of the academy for a look at what to expect tonight. >> from the will. >> smith slap. >> there's a mistake. moonlight. >> you guys won. >> best. >> picture. >> to the envelope. mix up. >> the oscars are no stranger to....
Mar 2, 2025
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most have expressed the importance of helping los angeles recover.llows viewers to have charitable contributions. we don't know if we'll see the firefighters in attendance at the grammys and at the screen actor guild awards. as for o'brien, his home did not burn in the fires. he and his family have been unable to return home. when they want to put the light on the issue, it's something he personally feels here. >> i'm sure they'll handle it well. i feel prepared for the night, now. morgan chesky, appreciate it. >>> coming up next, a "sunday sitdown" on angela basset, playing the president of the united states. and reflections with her time with late black panther co-star chadwick boseman. >>> and a live well lived, the secret service agent who leaped to save first lady jackie kennedy and lived with the guilt of what happened to her husband on that tragic day in dallas. >>> as we head to the break, the parties and the parades are under way in new orleans mardi gras. the streets packed on. the mardi gras started on saturday as the krewe of iris parade
most have expressed the importance of helping los angeles recover.llows viewers to have charitable contributions. we don't know if we'll see the firefighters in attendance at the grammys and at the screen actor guild awards. as for o'brien, his home did not burn in the fires. he and his family have been unable to return home. when they want to put the light on the issue, it's something he personally feels here. >> i'm sure they'll handle it well. i feel prepared for the night, now. morgan...
Mar 2, 2025
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hollywood is rolling out the red carpet for its biggest night of the year, as los angeles gears up fort this year, oscars weekend feels different, with many in the entertainment business still reeling from the devastating wildfires that ravaged swaths of l.a. everything is gone. we've just been. bj and adrian mcdonnell lost their home in malibu, which had been in bj's family for generations. people look at the palisades and they just think, oh, there's these rich millionaires, and they're just these actors. there's a lot of people that have generational homes that live here, and we are all union workers, like we work paycheck to paycheck. the couple have worked behind the scenes in film for years, and they have mixed feelings about this weekend. tomorrow is the oscars. how are you guys feeling about that? we haven't even had a chance to digest it. do you think you're even going to watch the oscars? probably not. the academy faces a delicate task celebrating the glitz and glamor of hollywood, while being sensitive to the overwhelming loss. it did say shortly after the fires that it plan
hollywood is rolling out the red carpet for its biggest night of the year, as los angeles gears up fort this year, oscars weekend feels different, with many in the entertainment business still reeling from the devastating wildfires that ravaged swaths of l.a. everything is gone. we've just been. bj and adrian mcdonnell lost their home in malibu, which had been in bj's family for generations. people look at the palisades and they just think, oh, there's these rich millionaires, and they're just...
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so we're talking about 60 degrees down there in los angeles. a wet conditions expected, the same system that is going to bring us some rain today. we had record highs to talk about san jose tying the last record set back in 1924 of 77 degrees. santa rosa breaking the old record 79. look at that oakland 74. a tie for today. say goodbye to the mild spring like weather, because here comes a storm system on live doppler seven. we're already seeing a lot of fog out ahead of it. some higher clouds as well. here's a look at visibility. it's down to five miles in half moon bay. earlier tonight it was about a half a mile, so be careful as we take a look at some live pictures. sutro and exploratorium showing you the fog just shrouding san francisco temperatures right now, anywhere from the 40s to the 60. here's a look at the storm impact scale. we have a level one tomorrow night into sunday. showers, breezy conditions, a chance of thunderstorms on sunday, and dangerous surf is coming your way. so tomorrow night it's not a washout for your saturday plans,
so we're talking about 60 degrees down there in los angeles. a wet conditions expected, the same system that is going to bring us some rain today. we had record highs to talk about san jose tying the last record set back in 1924 of 77 degrees. santa rosa breaking the old record 79. look at that oakland 74. a tie for today. say goodbye to the mild spring like weather, because here comes a storm system on live doppler seven. we're already seeing a lot of fog out ahead of it. some higher clouds as...
Mar 1, 2025
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officers in los angeles. illegal immigrants so they could avoid arrest. critics are calling this dangerous and demanding justice, and the justice department hold the perpetrators accountable. christina coleman live in los angeles with that controversy. christina. >> reporter: hi, jon. yeah, that's right, some activists in the l.a. area are trying to warn migrants when i.c.e. is around with bullhorns and sirens the try and prevent them from getting deportedded. take a listen. >> we're here at target in alhambra. [background sounds] we have confirmed i.c.e. agent sightings. how many families do you plan to destroy today? >> reporter: now, that was video of a member of group called the community self-defense coalition are. she says the group is working with dozens of organizations across the los angeles area. >> if we see that, like, i.c.e. agents or hsi, if they're, like, knocking on doors, we just remind people of their rights. and their rights are to not speak, to not open the door and to ask for a warrant. w
officers in los angeles. illegal immigrants so they could avoid arrest. critics are calling this dangerous and demanding justice, and the justice department hold the perpetrators accountable. christina coleman live in los angeles with that controversy. christina. >> reporter: hi, jon. yeah, that's right, some activists in the l.a. area are trying to warn migrants when i.c.e. is around with bullhorns and sirens the try and prevent them from getting deportedded. take a listen. >>...
Mar 2, 2025
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is taking place in los angeles, california. the stall studies event is celebrating some of last year's most acclaimed phones and performances, leading the nominations as the spanish language musical, a media perez, with 15 nodes highest for known english language film in oscars history. meanwhile, though, of alarms made by a promise to name is where the collective has been nominated for best documentary must go straight to ro bundles. he's like for us in los angeles, in california and robot thing. the excitement of building battle is a bibles on the red carpet, so it's a bit more about who's up for awards. a well 1st lord, welcome to our purchase overlooking hollywood boulevard and adobe theater behind me, which will be the sites of the handing out of those little gold statuettes not too far off in the future from now. so let's talk about the best picture of the consensus is that it's a 3 way race between a neuro that's the story of a new york sex worker and tangled with the son of a russian oligarch. the brutal is the story of
is taking place in los angeles, california. the stall studies event is celebrating some of last year's most acclaimed phones and performances, leading the nominations as the spanish language musical, a media perez, with 15 nodes highest for known english language film in oscars history. meanwhile, though, of alarms made by a promise to name is where the collective has been nominated for best documentary must go straight to ro bundles. he's like for us in los angeles, in california and robot...
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so we're talking about 60 degrees down there in los angeles. wet conditions expected, the same system that is going to bring us some rain today. we had record highs to talk about san jose tying the last record set back in 1924 of 77 degrees. santa rosa breaking the old record 79. look at that oakland 74. a tie for today. say goodbye to the mild spring like weather, because here comes a storm system on live doppler seven. we're already seeing a lot of fog out ahead of it. some higher clouds as well. here's a look at visibility. it's down to five miles in half moon bay. earlier tonight it was about a half a mile, so be careful as we take a look at some live pictures. sutro and exploratorium showing you the fog just shrouding san francisco temperatures right now, anywhere from the 40s to the 60. here's a look at the storm impact scale. we have a level one tomorrow night into sunday. showers, breezy conditions, a chance of thunderstorms on sunday, and dangerous surf is coming your way. so tomorrow night it's not a washout for your saturday plans, b
so we're talking about 60 degrees down there in los angeles. wet conditions expected, the same system that is going to bring us some rain today. we had record highs to talk about san jose tying the last record set back in 1924 of 77 degrees. santa rosa breaking the old record 79. look at that oakland 74. a tie for today. say goodbye to the mild spring like weather, because here comes a storm system on live doppler seven. we're already seeing a lot of fog out ahead of it. some higher clouds as...
Mar 2, 2025
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as los angeles gears up for the 97th academy awards.but this year, oscars weekend feels different, with many in the entertainment business still reeling from the devastating wildfires that ravaged swaths of l.a. everything is gone. we've just. bj and adrian mcdonnell lost their home in malibu, which had been in bj's family for generations. people look at the palisades and they just think, oh, there's these rich millionaires, and they're just these actors. there's a lot of people that have generational homes that live here, and we are all union workers, like we work paycheck to paycheck. the couple have worked behind the scenes in film for years, and they have mixed feelings about this weekend. tomorrow is the oscars. how are you guyseeling about that? we haven't even had a chance to digest it. do you think you're even going to watch the oscars? probably not. the academy faces a delicate task celebrating the glitz and glamor of hollywood, while being sensitive to the overwhelming loss. it did say shortly after the fires that it planned t
as los angeles gears up for the 97th academy awards.but this year, oscars weekend feels different, with many in the entertainment business still reeling from the devastating wildfires that ravaged swaths of l.a. everything is gone. we've just. bj and adrian mcdonnell lost their home in malibu, which had been in bj's family for generations. people look at the palisades and they just think, oh, there's these rich millionaires, and they're just these actors. there's a lot of people that have...
Mar 1, 2025
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the statuettes are polished and tomorrow, the 97th academy awards will be handed out in los angeles. the oscars typically feature lots of glitz and glamor, as well as the surprise moments that come with live television. cnn's elizabeth wagmeister spoke one on one with the head of the academy. >> from the will smith slap. >> there's a mistake. >> moonlight. you guys won best picture. >> to the envelope. mix up. the oscars. >> are. >> no stranger. >> to unexpected drama. >> the only. >> laugh that man will ever get in his life is by stripping off. >> and showing. >> his shortcomings. >> you've had. >> some wild and crazy. >> moments. >> especially in. >> recent years. that's right. >> it's safe. >> to say. >> academy ceo bill kramer hopes the drama. >> comes from the oscar. >> races themselves. >> there are going to be incredible surprises on the show this year. as always, an amazing celebration of cinema. >> i'm the king of the world. >> we caught up with. >> kramer as he helped plan. >> this year's show. >> on. >> the heels of los angeles devastating wildfires. >> we'll be celebratin
the statuettes are polished and tomorrow, the 97th academy awards will be handed out in los angeles. the oscars typically feature lots of glitz and glamor, as well as the surprise moments that come with live television. cnn's elizabeth wagmeister spoke one on one with the head of the academy. >> from the will smith slap. >> there's a mistake. >> moonlight. you guys won best picture. >> to the envelope. mix up. the oscars. >> are. >> no stranger. >> to...
Mar 2, 2025
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angeles with the latest. >> activists in the los angeles area trying, ice with both horns and sirensom getting deported. take a listen again. [sirens] with confirmed ice agents hi hiding. >> how many families do you have to destroy today? >> that was video of then member of a group called community self-defense coalition. she says patrol to alert people advice is around in her coalition is working with dozens of organizations across the l.a. area. >> if we see ice agents knocking on doors, we remind people of their rights which is to not speak, not open the door and ask for a one it's. >> the noise alerts people in the area for something going on outside. [sirens] a megaphone providing ways to alert the community. >> a different situation, somebody apparently doing more than megaphones and sirens posting flyers like this one revealing identities of the ice agents working here in the los angeles area, very disturbing. tom home and shared his reaction to this aggression toward law enforcement. >> i think they've crossed the line to post pictures and addresses and phone numbers. i got s
angeles with the latest. >> activists in the los angeles area trying, ice with both horns and sirensom getting deported. take a listen again. [sirens] with confirmed ice agents hi hiding. >> how many families do you have to destroy today? >> that was video of then member of a group called community self-defense coalition. she says patrol to alert people advice is around in her coalition is working with dozens of organizations across the l.a. area. >> if we see ice agents...
Mar 1, 2025
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community of. >> filmmakers. >> but the community of los angeles. >> moments before our interview, ace. >> told cnn that best actress nominee karla sofia gascon would attend the ceremony amidst a scandal that saw the emilia pÉrez star apologizing for offensive tweets overshadowing her historic moment. as the first out transgender person nominated for acting at the oscars. >> was there ever a discussion of rescinding. >> that nomination? >> all of our nominees are invited. >> to attend the oscars. i think what's so important. >> this year? we have over 200 nominees. we need to celebrate. >> all. >> of our nominees. >> kramer also insists the oscars shouldn't get political. is that something that throughout the night, you want to steer clear of? >> absolutely. we do talk to them about keeping things focused on the. >> work. >> but this is really a moment for the artist to to have for themselves. >> the day of our. >> interview. >> kramer made a wickedly big announcement. >> we have incredible performances lined up. doja cat, liza ray, cynthia. >> erivo, ariana. >> grande, queen latifah
community of. >> filmmakers. >> but the community of los angeles. >> moments before our interview, ace. >> told cnn that best actress nominee karla sofia gascon would attend the ceremony amidst a scandal that saw the emilia pÉrez star apologizing for offensive tweets overshadowing her historic moment. as the first out transgender person nominated for acting at the oscars. >> was there ever a discussion of rescinding. >> that nomination? >> all of our...
Mar 2, 2025
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plus more scrutiny in los angeles long after the fires are out. a new report raising additional questions about fire hydrants in the city. and right now, our storm ranger mobile doppler radar picking up on some areas of light rain with showers as part of the rest of the weekend forecast. how much to expect and how much more could we see ahead in the 7-day forecast when we come right back? and a programing note. join us tonight for our special celebrating black heritage. nbc bay area's marcus washington host. as we spotlight the people who are moving the community and bay area forward. that is tonight at 630 right here on nbc bay area 630 right here on nbc bay area and our streaming channels. i'm not happy with the way that pg&e handled the wildfires. yeah. yeah. i totally, totally understand. we're adding a ton of sensors. as soon as something comes in contact with the power line, it'll turn off so that there's not a risk that it's gonna fall to the ground and start a fire. okay. and i want you to be able to feel the improvements. we've been able
plus more scrutiny in los angeles long after the fires are out. a new report raising additional questions about fire hydrants in the city. and right now, our storm ranger mobile doppler radar picking up on some areas of light rain with showers as part of the rest of the weekend forecast. how much to expect and how much more could we see ahead in the 7-day forecast when we come right back? and a programing note. join us tonight for our special celebrating black heritage. nbc bay area's marcus...
Mar 2, 2025
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as we are trying to project the next season, we have to do it as a, as a big, lo and we are changing a lot of things, you know, a squad in the academy. we are working on everything from the for the, for the future of the glove. so guarantee is i cannot give you the board cannot. it's clear the situation we have to deal with. that's all we've been told into football, right? so the henry went to about the scale of the task a mom is facing. if you listen to this was the mood music for mattress in lights. it's on the board room. and so jim radcliffe, that's a pool, which is 100 percent behind proven amber. and they just know it's a huge job to, to emergency united around. they've got to get rid of the template as opposed to go get 10 players in. and they're trying to do this at a time of the profit and sustainability moves, which, you know, cools, causes issues and, and issues with budget for plants. so it is difficult. he hasn't gone great yet. i'm sure we will do in time. but you know, he's a very good manager who showed experiencing this, this, but he showed against bunch city early i
as we are trying to project the next season, we have to do it as a, as a big, lo and we are changing a lot of things, you know, a squad in the academy. we are working on everything from the for the, for the future of the glove. so guarantee is i cannot give you the board cannot. it's clear the situation we have to deal with. that's all we've been told into football, right? so the henry went to about the scale of the task a mom is facing. if you listen to this was the mood music for mattress in...
Mar 1, 2025
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this sprawling force between los angeles and monterey was part of visits, arrows responsibility, the lowest padres national forest is right in the middle of a global biodiversity hot spot. it's right, it's a transition between the central coast and the southern california climate and eco types. and it has some of the most endangered species of any forest in the national forest systems. and that's all their agencies carrying on him back. he recounted the day he was fired over the phone on orders from washington. and when i got the call, i fear the worst. i heard my boss, his voice before he even told me the news. i just blurted out, i'm fired. and he said, yep. and i'm sorry. and i just felt like i was going to vomit. the job in so much to me, this was a career and, and the chance to build my legacy that just got suddenly ripped away in the name of government efficiency. it doesn't make any sense. so far. $3400.00 for service employees have been let go visit. gero says their absence will have consequences. we're losing a dedicated fire fighting force that protects communities. the peo
this sprawling force between los angeles and monterey was part of visits, arrows responsibility, the lowest padres national forest is right in the middle of a global biodiversity hot spot. it's right, it's a transition between the central coast and the southern california climate and eco types. and it has some of the most endangered species of any forest in the national forest systems. and that's all their agencies carrying on him back. he recounted the day he was fired over the phone on orders...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Mar 1, 2025
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we have sanford biggers, a new york based artist raised in los angeles.his work is an interplay of narrative perspective and history that speaks to current happenings while examining the context that bore them. here we see a few views of his recent suspended public art project for the portland international airport. and next up we have trevor paglen, a new york based artist whose work explores the intersections between technology, time, space and human perception often adopting the visual language and materials of aviation and aerospace engineering. here we see a few examples of past work from his nonfunctional temporary satellite series. >> mm hmm. and lavar thomas who really needs no introduction to this group but is a bay area based artist whose work across various media consistently combines strong conceptual foundations with esthetic beauty. here we see a few examples of her past suspended tambourine sculptures highlighting the instrument's egalitarian nature . and lastly we have pei white who lives and works between sonoma county and los angeles. he
we have sanford biggers, a new york based artist raised in los angeles.his work is an interplay of narrative perspective and history that speaks to current happenings while examining the context that bore them. here we see a few views of his recent suspended public art project for the portland international airport. and next up we have trevor paglen, a new york based artist whose work explores the intersections between technology, time, space and human perception often adopting the visual...
Mar 1, 2025
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i'm trace gallagher in(man los angeles.♪ (man) cooool. ♪ (man) right on time! (vo) stay in the know. from your dock... to their door. known for building special bonds. no one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer. fda-approved for 18 types of cancer, including certain early-stage and advanced cancers. one of those cancers is a kind of uterine cancer called advanced endometrial carcinoma. keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapies, and then used alone, in adults when your cancer has spread or returned. ♪ keytruda can cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body during or after treatment. this may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain, nausea, or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion, memory problems, persistent or se
i'm trace gallagher in(man los angeles.♪ (man) cooool. ♪ (man) right on time! (vo) stay in the know. from your dock... to their door. known for building special bonds. no one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer. fda-approved for 18 types of cancer, including certain early-stage and advanced cancers. one of those cancers is a kind of uterine cancer called advanced endometrial carcinoma. keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapies, and...
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captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. is making its return to the bay area tonight. how much you can expect where you live? lots of issues and lots of protests. bay area streets were filled with demonstrators today. we'll tell you what had them so angry. >> we didn't know what was going on. we heard pop, pop, pop, but i didn't know what it was. >> a chaotic scene in dallas. what happened at a cheerleading championship that caused a huge stampede that injured several people. >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good evening and thanks for joining i'm j.r. stone. we're going to start off with weather tonight. we saw some rain earlier in the evening in san francisco. and it looks like more is definitely on the way. abc seven weather anchor spencer christian tracking it for us and joins us live right now. >> all right j.r. you're right. we've had some rain. and there's more on the way overnight and into tomorrow. this is a level one storm. a light storm on the exclusive abc seven storm impact scale. so through
captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. is making its return to the bay area tonight. how much you can expect where you live? lots of issues and lots of protests. bay area streets were filled with demonstrators today. we'll tell you what had them so angry. >> we didn't know what was going on. we heard pop, pop, pop, but i didn't know what it was. >> a chaotic scene in dallas. what happened at a cheerleading championship that caused a huge stampede that injured...
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abc's melissa adan is in los angeles with the latest.g, melissa. >> reporter: gio, good morning, so, gene hackman and his wife's death still remain a mystery. this as investigators are just trying to get their hands on any new information so they can put together a time line of the couple's last known whereabouts. this morning, as authorities intensify the investigation into the deaths of legendary actor gene hackman and his wife, betsy arakawa, one potential cause in their suspicious deaths remain a question. >> both individuals tested negative for carbon monoxide. the manner and cause of death has not been determined. >> reporter: police trying to zero in on exactly when the couple may have dieed saying hackman's pacemaker registered its last recorded event on february 17th. >> i think that is a very good assumption that that was his last day of life. i was advised that a more thorough investigation will be completed. >> reporter: the 95-year-old actor found on wednesday in his santa fe home after a caretaker called 911. >> no, they're
abc's melissa adan is in los angeles with the latest.g, melissa. >> reporter: gio, good morning, so, gene hackman and his wife's death still remain a mystery. this as investigators are just trying to get their hands on any new information so they can put together a time line of the couple's last known whereabouts. this morning, as authorities intensify the investigation into the deaths of legendary actor gene hackman and his wife, betsy arakawa, one potential cause in their suspicious...
Mar 1, 2025
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griff: christina coleman live in los angeles, thank you,.he tariff deadline is fast approaching this coming tuesday. trump demanded mexico to crack down on cartels and the production and flow of fentanyl. c.b. cotton is here now with more on that. >> reporter: hi, griff. well, this surprise extradition leading to some justice here on u.s. soil because 40 years ago a dea agent was murdered in mexico by the sinaloa cartel. the mastermind is now behind bars here in the u.s. he was among the 29 cartel members extradited to the 8 different u.s. cities the pace u.s. charges. to face u.s. charges. this after the president threatened those stiff tariffs against our southern neighbor, and the administration weighed possible military action against the cartels, declaring them foreign terrorist organizations. friday, the former leader of the notorious sip low what -- sinaloa cartel was arraigned in federal court and pleaded not guilty. he's been under indictment for the past five years on the u.s. federal drug charges. he was also on the fbi's most wan
griff: christina coleman live in los angeles, thank you,.he tariff deadline is fast approaching this coming tuesday. trump demanded mexico to crack down on cartels and the production and flow of fentanyl. c.b. cotton is here now with more on that. >> reporter: hi, griff. well, this surprise extradition leading to some justice here on u.s. soil because 40 years ago a dea agent was murdered in mexico by the sinaloa cartel. the mastermind is now behind bars here in the u.s. he was among the...
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>> this year's academy awards, happening in the tragic aftermath of the wildfires that tore through los to l.a. it's a city where you can come and fulfill your dreams, and we hope that we touch on that in the show. >> instead of performances of the best song nominees, this year's musical numbers will honor l.a. and the movie industry with performers like doja cat, queen latifah, and erivo with her wicked costar ariana grande. at just 38, erivo already has emmy, grammy and tony awards, which makes her just an oscar win away from the precious egot status. >> it would be the youngest egot, the youngest egot. if this were to happen, what would that mean to you? >> i think it would mean quite a bit to even think that that's a possibility is mind blowing. and hopefully just a doorway into doing more, not just for me, but for other people. >> jimmy right here. >> the favorite in the best actress category heading into the weekend for her role in the substance. demi moore, who is still sizzling at 62. and it wasn't until this year's golden globes that moore won her first major industry award, sh
>> this year's academy awards, happening in the tragic aftermath of the wildfires that tore through los to l.a. it's a city where you can come and fulfill your dreams, and we hope that we touch on that in the show. >> instead of performances of the best song nominees, this year's musical numbers will honor l.a. and the movie industry with performers like doja cat, queen latifah, and erivo with her wicked costar ariana grande. at just 38, erivo already has emmy, grammy and tony...
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this, of course, after the devastating fires that burned through los angeles county in january.surf brought some pretty intense moments in capitola. yesterday, the city closed its beach and wharf because of high surf. and police said numerous people had to be rescued. so the decision was made to close both out of an abundance of caution. thankfully, none of the people rescued were hurt, but you could see plenty of debris ashore. dangerous surf conditions are expected to continue through tomorrow. speaking of, let's check in with francis. good morning. >> yeah, and those conditions are due to a system moving through the bay area right now, bringing us some scattered light showers, but there could be some heavier downfalls at times, although it's already starting to wind down. the system is also bringing us some very gusty conditions in oakland. 30 mile per hour winds. 22mph in novato. 21 in san francisco, 22 in half moon bay. temperatures right now in the 40s and in the 50s. and this is a level one light storm will still continue to see showers, light rain, breezy conditions with
this, of course, after the devastating fires that burned through los angeles county in january.surf brought some pretty intense moments in capitola. yesterday, the city closed its beach and wharf because of high surf. and police said numerous people had to be rescued. so the decision was made to close both out of an abundance of caution. thankfully, none of the people rescued were hurt, but you could see plenty of debris ashore. dangerous surf conditions are expected to continue through...
Mar 2, 2025
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community of filmmakers, but the community of los angeles. >> moments before our interview, a source told cnn that best actress nominee karla sofia gascon would attend the ceremony amidst a scandal that saw the emilia pÉrez star apologizing for offensive tweets overshadowing her historic moment. as the first out transgender person nominated for acting at the oscars. was there ever a discussion of rescinding that nomination? >> all of our nominees are invited to attend the oscars. i think what's so important this year? we have over 200 nominees. we need to celebrate all of our nominees. >> kramer also insists the oscars shouldn't get political. is that something that throughout the night, you want to steer clear of? >> absolutely. we do talk to them about keeping things focused on the work, but this is really a moment for the artist to to have for themselves. >> the day of our interview, kramer made a wickedly big announcement. >> we have incredible performances lined up. doja cat, litsa rae cynthia erivo arianna grande, queen latifah, oscar nominee. >> those superstars will replace t
community of filmmakers, but the community of los angeles. >> moments before our interview, a source told cnn that best actress nominee karla sofia gascon would attend the ceremony amidst a scandal that saw the emilia pÉrez star apologizing for offensive tweets overshadowing her historic moment. as the first out transgender person nominated for acting at the oscars. was there ever a discussion of rescinding that nomination? >> all of our nominees are invited to attend the oscars. i...
Mar 2, 2025
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. >> reporter: if you were to rob fort knox, you'd probably still have less money than the los angeles dodgers. after signing what seemed like 100 different free agents this off-season, how did the giants possibly keep up? is there dodger talk in here? no. >> no, we're not worried about them. >> reporter: grant mccray doesn't seem too bothered, but it's hard to overlook the signings. from blake snell to tanner scott they've upped their pitching and brought back good hitters and teoscar hernandez and tommy edmond. >> let's get ready to run this thing back next year too. >> did you go, like, the dodgers signed another guy? >> i think everybody thought that. but you know what, the rivalry is what it is regardless. this just kind of adds to it a little bit. >> reporter: the rivalry wasn't really much of one last year. the dodgers were 9-4 against san francisco, and their team only got better this off-season. >> if any sort of social media, like you hear it, you see it, it's hard to miss, but it doesn't really matter who they sign. like they're still our biggest rival. we still want to beat
. >> reporter: if you were to rob fort knox, you'd probably still have less money than the los angeles dodgers. after signing what seemed like 100 different free agents this off-season, how did the giants possibly keep up? is there dodger talk in here? no. >> no, we're not worried about them. >> reporter: grant mccray doesn't seem too bothered, but it's hard to overlook the signings. from blake snell to tanner scott they've upped their pitching and brought back good hitters...
Mar 2, 2025
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listen, great to get your take on all this andrew friend in los angeles. thanks so much. >> thanks, kim. >> all right. after the break, a car that can dominate on the ground and in the sky. that's one california startup. that's what they're promising. we'll have that story and much more straight ahead. please stay with us. >> hi, grandma. i played baseball today. >> oh that's great. >> what position. >> did you play? >> first base. >> that's what. >> grandpa used to play when our hearing wouldn't allow us to use a regular phone. it made us feel isolated. >> it became. >> difficult to communicate with our friends and family. >> clear captions was an easy solution for us. >> clear captions. provides captions on. >> a phone, like. >> captioning on. >> your tv. so you can see what the caller. >> is. >> saying live as. >> they say. >> it, making it easy to understand and respond immediately. >> there is no insurance or medicare required. clear caption service is provided at no cost to you through a federally funded program. we deliver, install and train you on
listen, great to get your take on all this andrew friend in los angeles. thanks so much. >> thanks, kim. >> all right. after the break, a car that can dominate on the ground and in the sky. that's one california startup. that's what they're promising. we'll have that story and much more straight ahead. please stay with us. >> hi, grandma. i played baseball today. >> oh that's great. >> what position. >> did you play? >> first base. >> that's what....
Mar 2, 2025
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but when it comes to l.a., as you mentioned, los angeles is very much an industry town. this is hollywood's biggest night of the year, and so it makes absolute sense that they're going to lean in, as other award shows have, to the resilience of the city to how people have stepped up. we've seen celebrities lose their homes. we've seen celebrities step out and help people who haven't lost their homes. we've seen just ordinary people show up to just try to help their neighbors. and so i think that the oscars is going to continue that tradition of this awards season, a really showcasing how los angeles is stepping up, how the people, the citizens, everybody if you're a civilian or you're a celebrity, all are coming together to try to help people who have been devastated by those wildfires. fred. >> oh, yeah. okay, so with no real frontrunners, let's talk films now, you know, for best picture, viewers can also bet on a lot of surprises this year. so do you want to take a stab at some predictions for me? >> i wish i. >> could only seen one thing on the list there. i'm so behi
but when it comes to l.a., as you mentioned, los angeles is very much an industry town. this is hollywood's biggest night of the year, and so it makes absolute sense that they're going to lean in, as other award shows have, to the resilience of the city to how people have stepped up. we've seen celebrities lose their homes. we've seen celebrities step out and help people who haven't lost their homes. we've seen just ordinary people show up to just try to help their neighbors. and so i think...
Mar 1, 2025
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tomorrow and philly that said the dubs had plenty vested interest in what went down friday night in los angeles. lakers clippers lucas first battle of la turns it over here. >> follow the bouncing ball and ones with kawhi leonard and kawhi knows what to do with clippers tied the game at 67. and luka would settle in the back-to-back possessions. the birthday boy. down 26 today. stepback 3, why not another stepback 3 lakers with a 10 point and >> the dimes doncic took jackson hayes for 2 lakers win 1, 0, 6, 1, or 2. so the warriors now tied for the 6 seed in the west. how about it? spring training. giants brewers logan webb strikes out jake bauers. he had 4 k's in 3 innings. plenty of offense. matt chapman with a 2 run shot. his first next batter is wilmer flores who hits a home run. the giants, not 4 out of the yard when 92 and boy do i love seeing baseball? i do love baseball. i love spring track everything about thanks. >> have a good weekend, everyone. thanks for joining us. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: tonight, the suspicious death of gene hackman. >> are they moving at all? >> no, dude, th
tomorrow and philly that said the dubs had plenty vested interest in what went down friday night in los angeles. lakers clippers lucas first battle of la turns it over here. >> follow the bouncing ball and ones with kawhi leonard and kawhi knows what to do with clippers tied the game at 67. and luka would settle in the back-to-back possessions. the birthday boy. down 26 today. stepback 3, why not another stepback 3 lakers with a 10 point and >> the dimes doncic took jackson hayes...
Mar 1, 2025
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the 97th annual academy awards will take place sunday night in los angeles. the question, what is the nickname for the gold statuette the winners receive? is it a, oscar? b, felix? c, goldie? i'll give you a few seconds to think about it. okay, time's up. the answer is a, oscar. officially named the academy award of merit, the statuette is better known as the oscar. so, where did the nickname come from? well, the academy of motion picture arts and sciences says although the origins aren't clear, a popular story is that upon seeing the trophy for the first time, many years ago, the academy librarian said it looked like her uncle oscar. the academy adopted the nickname oscar officially in 1939, so good luck to all the nominees. >>> just ahead, an unbelievable story about a seal found wandering the streets of connecticut, and it's now safe and sound. >>> then, this baby elephant is capturing the hearts of america. >>> plus, slimed. our kids edition correspondent takes on one gooey assignment. >>> and the teen who is spreading kindness through her buddy bench pro
the 97th annual academy awards will take place sunday night in los angeles. the question, what is the nickname for the gold statuette the winners receive? is it a, oscar? b, felix? c, goldie? i'll give you a few seconds to think about it. okay, time's up. the answer is a, oscar. officially named the academy award of merit, the statuette is better known as the oscar. so, where did the nickname come from? well, the academy of motion picture arts and sciences says although the origins aren't...