these seven trees make it extremely easy for loader verse, intoxicated persons to drink and dope dealers to loiter and in danger those who walked down the street and lastly, make excellent trash cans and garbage cans for rats. district 6 is important. we thank you for your attention. basically, all we're asking for at this point, in this particular case, these trees have become a nuisance. as an organization, alliance for a better district 6, have supported all of the tree- planting programs and are nearby. we have been involved in the creation of community benefit districts which have taken some responsibility for tree planting. in district 6, there have actually been quite a few organizations formed. we are very supportive of the trees because we believe -- this has not been mentioned yet. trees help with noise abatement. when we hear the sirens go off in our neighborhood, we believe that the trees help us with noise abatement. that is just another aspect of how trees help us, particularly in the downtown area. thank you for your attention. i'm going to give a copy of this to the direc